You breathed into the night air, filling your lungs with the calming coolness of it. Your handmaiden left you some hours ago, wishing you a goodnight's sleep as she took the day's attire for laundering. Yet, you were still up, searching the stars for someone. Waiting for Hyunjin, the prince from a kingdom far away, to emerge from the dark of the night on his magical carpet.
The enchanting prince first appeared at your balcony on a dark and gloomy night. It was the day you heard of your dear mother's passing, and you cried, alone and hidden by the veil of the night.
You felt so lonely then. All you wished for was to feel the warmth of your mother's embrace again. Alas, it was an impossible wish, for she has left you forever. You only had yourself, and the distant stars.
That's when Hyunjin appeared, his steps light and careful as he called you gently, "Fair princess, please don't cry."
You will always remember how warm his voice was, how it seemed you caress you and hold you softly. Amid the chaos in your heart, mind, and soul, he was like a knight in shining armor, coming to save you.
He held your hand and guided you towards his flying carpet, and you only followed him in wonder. Perhaps you were out of your mind, taking a stranger's hand and joining him on whatever sorcery of a carpet, but you needed a distraction. You needed to clear your mind. You needed to forget.
So, the wind carried you, and the moon watched you with an endearing gaze as you flew over the kingdom. You held your breath as you saw the castle in all its glory, glowing magnificently midst the lights of the town surrounding it. It was a breathtaking sight.
Hyunjin didn't let go of your hand as he took you around your kingdom, and for the duration of it, your heart relaxed.
After that little journey, he visited you every night to take you to a different place, each more stunning than the other. And with each trip across the land, he traveled deeper into your heart.
"Hyunjin, where do you come from?" You asked him once, for you have never seen a prince so beautiful and charming in any of your neighboring kingdoms. He only smiled at you then, elegance dancing on his mesmerizing features. "I come from a kingdom very far away, my princess."
"How did you find me then?"
"The universe heard your pained cries and called on to me." The moonlight made him look more ethereal, if that was even possible, and at that moment, you decided that Hyunjin was a gift from the stars.
Just like every night, your prince emerged from between the stars on his mystical carpet, those dainty orbs of brilliance trailing behind him.
"Where do you want to travel today, my love?" He asked, the same loving smile adorning his alluring lips. He helped you onto the levitating carpet, pressing a tender kiss to the back of your hand.
With a fluttering heart, you settled on the carpet and wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his back contentedly.
"Wherever you want to go, my prince."
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