[stars are over me]

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You first saw Felix when you were thirteen, having cried yourself to sleep after the news of your father's death at the front line reached your school.

You were told to wear black after they'd transferred you to live in the maid rooms — a favor, the dean liked to call it, now that your family's wealth is gone. You'd never felt so alone, so weak in the big, bleak world, until you found yourself in that enchanting forest. Perhaps it was a dream, but after the curtains of the world closed, you were welcomed into another life.

The boy with glitter in his hair and a smile that seemed to not know how to curl downwards appeared from behind the tall trees. He held a hand out for you, inviting you to explore his euphoric kingdom despite your skepticism. Was that a dream?

He showed you the vast, vacant stretch of land, with nothing but trees and occasional flowers wherever you looked. It was oddly empty.

"Where's everybody?" You'd asked the dreamy boy and he grinned, "There's no one here but me. You're the first person to find this place. I've been waiting for you."

Then you were brought back to the dark, dirty attic. Back on the stiff mattress now damp with your tears.

Back to reality.

You rose to be swamped with cleaning duties, mockery, and pity from your former classmates. You couldn't believe how desolate your life became in the span of a mere night. But when your miserable day ended and you fell into a deep slumber, you were greeted by Felix in his tranquil forest kingdom.

He once again held a hand out for you, freckles seeming to twinkle under the gentle sun as he invited you to explore the forest with him.

And so, night after night, year after year, you endured the hardships of day to visit the magical forest at night. It gave you something to look forward to. Felix gave you something to look forward to. You ran around the trees, rolled on the grass, danced under the sun, in this little kingdom of your imagination. You never wanted to wake up. With nothing left for you in the world, you never wanted to leave Felix.

But each time, he'd shake his head with a faint smile, "You must go back."

"But I don't want to. Why should I, when waking up only makes me sad?"

"You have to. Or else I wouldn't be able to find you and bring you here," he'd reasoned, and you frowned. What would a boy your age do to get you out of your cruel life?

"Find me?"

"Yes, to give you the life you truly deserve. You must wait a bit longer. Will you promise me to wait some more?" You were sixteen then, and you promised the starry boy to wait.

Your dreams always brought you back to him, back to the forest in the stars, and you soon realized that they've become your home. The embrace you'd fall into after a tedious day.

When you turned eighteen, you lost all connection to Felix. You couldn't find your way back to the forest when you fell asleep, and for once in five years, you found yourself alone. On earth and in the sky. Did the universe believe it was time you ventured off on your own? That it was time you let go of the magical kingdom in the stars? That it was time you forgot about the boy who only existed in your dreams?

Your silent protests and sleepless nights were all in vain, for nothing brought you back to the person you yearned for the most.

"Y/n, answer the door!" The dean's voice resonated across the corridor you were nonchalantly sweeping after the dull doorbell sounded.

You didn't think much of it, clutching your broom as you headed towards the entrance to open the door. You were prepared to say your regular, flat greeting when you turned the doorknob, but the words became stuck in your throat.

There he was, with no glitter in his hair but with the same smile you've grown fond of. You kept your promise, and he kept his.

Felix found you.

Felix found you

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