[ting ting ting]

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Club fairs were one of the best and worst events in the academy. Apart from the throng of students and having to explain to first-years that they can't join clubs of other classes, there was always that one stall that made more noise than is necessary.

Luckily, that stall was nowhere to be found as you stood at the Theater Club's stall with your friends. Each of you wore a turquoise sash across your uniform, signifying your club as a Grimm class one.

Hyunjin was walking around the fair, handing out posters to other Grimm students as you, Chan, and Changbin managed the stall and applications.

"Auditions will be during the weekend, see you there!" Chan flashed his famous dimpled smile to the group of first-year Grimms crowded around your table. You made sure to clear your throat loudly when the girls squealed like chickens, smiling pleasantly when they noticed you. "If you have no more questions, please don't hold the line."

As they skittered away, Chan laughed, eyeing your disgusted expression. First-years can be a little shallow. He's gotten used to it.

"Ugh, I can't do this anymore, I'm so tired," Hyunjin whined dramatically as he slumped against a working Changbin, who elbowed him out of reflex. Sleeping Beauty's son was indeed a lazy beauty. Sometimes. If he wasn't dueling or acting. Unfortunately, Hyunjin was doing neither at the moment. His merits were getting the better of him.

"Get off me," Changbin groaned, "You'll ruin the papers!"

Little Red's descendant looked strange without his signature cloak, but as the rules stated, even Minho had to ditch his black attire. You supposed you could see Changbin's face better now. You've always encouraged him to push his hood off sometimes.

"Fine," Hyunjin sighed before leaning against his next victim, Chan. The boy looked at the stalls nearby, one from Wonderland's class, two Rarities, and one Grimm stall. Each had something to attract possible members, merits used for their advantage. He looked back at your stall and sighed. Your merits didn't help. "We're so boring."

"What do you mean?" You frowned, "Should we crack jokes for your entertainment?"

"No, I mean, look at Yuna in the Tea Club or Jeongin in Arts- oh my god!"

"What's wrong?" You followed his gaze to a floating, sparkling booth and you sucked in a sharp breath. Cutlery, from the Rarities class, and you knew the three boys who ran that club. Kim Woojin, Han Jisung, and Lee Felix; the recipe for disaster.

"They're floating this year? Is that even allowed!" Hyunjin gasped, to which Chan patted his shoulder, "Relax, they can only accept so many Rarities."

You watched your roommate help students step on floating bricks to reach the stall, where a bright, freckled boy stood to greet them with a smile. You couldn't tell just how much fairy dust was used to lift the structure, and you hated to think about what would happen when its effect dies out.

Han Jisung never learns, does he?

Somewhere in the distance, a clap of thunder was heard, and a flash of purple exploded from one of the stalls. Minho, you guessed, in Villainy (under school permits) Club.

By noon, most stalls were closing, yours included. With over fifty applicants, the four of you realized you had a lot to go over. Perks of having both Hwang Hyunjin and Bang Chan in your team.

As you were folding your banner, a sprinkle of fairy dust fell over the fabric and you widened your eyes, snapping your head upwards to spot your roommate circling your stall. "Hello, roomie!"

"Hello, Jisung." You stepped away to avoid the glittery substance. "What are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd see if my lovely roommate needs help," he landed near you and looked around, "Where are the boys?"

"Helping Chaeryeong and Jeongin with their stall," you answered, going back to folding your banner after you brushed the fairy dust off.

"That's very un-gentlemanly of them," he tutted. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"No, thank you." You remembered the last time he offered you help. You could do without his help any day.

"I won't use fairy dust. I promise."

You eyed him skeptically.

"Plus, lunch will be distributed soon. You don't want to miss it!"

He had a point.

He had a point

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