Your head snapped up at the voice, turning to look at the customer standing by the counter. Your fingers went stiff against the bread you were wrapping. You never really took a clear look at the man and now that you did, you hoped your nervousness didn't show. What is he doing here? "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, you do. There is no other explanation for my brother's murder," the man laughed dryly, and your fists clenched. You came here to start anew, somewhere no one knew who you were and what you did. It seems that your plans failed.
"Excuse me—!"
"You wanted him to die for all that he'd done!" He jabbed a finger at you accusingly, "While it's really your fault for the ill child."
The ill child. Your heart went still. Nari. Her memory was a fresh wound that refused to heal, and that man thought himself allowed to rub salt into it. Fuming, your eyes darkened, and the words left your lips in a whisper before you could process them. "If I say so, I can make you follow your brother's fate."
The man stared at you, eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. He sputtered, "Y-You—!"
You fought the instinct to slap a hand over your mouth. What was that?! When did you start threatening people? Perhaps spending time with Hyunjin was beginning to take its toll on you.
Before you could say anything stranger, the bakery's door opened with a jingle, and in came your savior in an assassin's wear. Except he was wearing what a common nobleman's son would dress in, but you knew that belt had a few hidden daggers, nonetheless.
"Hyunjin!" You said, rather enthusiastically, hoping he would catch the panic in your eyes.
Of course, he did, being the amazing friend he was.
He played along, slapping the most charming smile on his face. "Darling, what a lovely day it is today!"
He walked around the counter to reach you and you smiled, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek to complete your act. You missed the way Hyunjin held his breath. "How has your day been, my love?"
"It has gotten better now that I've seen you," he cooed, cautiously yet naturally wrapping an arm around your waist. That action or his words — or maybe both, you couldn't tell — made your heart flutter like a baby bird. Clumsy.
Turning to face the dumbstruck man, Hyunjin asked, "Haven't you received your order yet?"
He tripped on his words, "But I— You— Y-Yes I have, but—"
"Well, then, move along. Don't keep this bakery busy."
With an incredulous huff, the man grabbed the loaf of bread and stormed out of the bakery, muttering some curses on his way. Only when the door closed behind him did you exhale in relief, visibly relaxing. Good riddance.
Hyunjin's hand dropped from your waist immediately, finding your hand instead. He didn't mind the thin layer of flour coating your palm. "Who was that man?"
You glanced at him before looking away, suddenly feeling ashamed for dragging him into your silly act. "He used to be my brother in law. I don't know how he found me."
"What did he want— Did he threaten you?"
"No, he didn't." You debated saying more, but it came out of your mouth nonetheless, "He talked about...," a pause, "Nari."
You felt his hand tense and he stepped away, angrily heading toward the door. "That son of a—"
You tugged at his hand, making him stop before he did something reckless. "Hyunjin, it's okay."
He gave you an apologetic look. "A-Are you sure?"
"Whatever you say, then," he sighed, and the two of you lapsed into silence, fingers intertwined.
Hyunjin stared them, noticing how your thumb tapped his mindlessly. You were nervous, he knew that habit of yours. With a little smile gracing his lips, he raised his gaze to your face and realized that you were looking at him all along. A stroke of flour colored your right cheekbone and he lifted a hand to brush it away, gentle. "You should go rest. I'll watch over the bakery for the day."
You gave him a funny look, disregarding your rampaging heart. "Do you even know how to bake?"
"I'll learn anything for my darling," he joked, nose scrunching cutely, and you diverted your gaze with a cough. "Sorry for dragging you into that, by the way."
"Oh, no, it's alright," he grinned. "As I said, anything for you."
You rolled your eyes. "I am not your darling, Hyunjin."
What if you are? He wanted to say, but he could only dare to chuckle awkwardly. "Who knows—"
"You have to own up to your words, Hyunjin," you wriggled your fingers out of his grasp, tired of your heated cheeks and excited heart, tired of his obliviousness.
"Own up?"
"Yes. You can't keep saying such... such sweet things without taking responsibility for them!" At that point, your hands were shaking in embarrassment, and you were sure your face was going to explode if it got any warmer. It had been so long since you'd last felt that way. You didn't know how to deal with it.
When Hyunjin stared at you blankly, you shook your head, sighing before turning to head into your quarters. "You know what? Forget it—"
"No, wait!" Hyunjin's hand shot out to grip yours and you turned around slowly, agonizingly waiting for his next words.
"You...," he began, "You're right. You aren't my darling."
You were sure a stab with a knife wouldn't hurt as much.
"It would be unfair to say so when you're much, much more," he mumbled, and right then, you could sense the world halt, leaving the two of you in a trance. Alone, at each other's mercy.
"Hyunjin...," you breathed, taking a small step toward him. No words were said, for your gazes said enough. And as if a mysterious force acted on the two of you, you gravitated toward each other until only a mere breath stood in between. A mere breath you weren't sure you could offer because all the air had been knocked out of your lungs.
It felt like forever until Hyunjin murmured, voice as light and fragile as a feather, "Can I k—"
An awkward cough brought the world back into motion. "Sh-Shall I come back later?"
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