Very few things were more beautiful than the gleam in a child's eyes when they blow their candles and mutter their heart's desire. To you, a Birthday Fairy, those were the most joyous moments.
You loved your job, Felix knew. He saw it in the way your wings would flutter and your face would brighten whenever he accompanied you to visit a birthday. As the Fairy Prince, it was his job to make wishes come true once you collected them. New toys, good grades, friends, happiness, sweets—everything and anything murmured after a candle is blown, he made sure it happened.
The magic of Wish Fairies was in the grasp of those who believed it.
Yet, you had none of it for yourself. Well Fairies, Birthday Fairies, Midnight Fairies, Star Fairies, everything you did was for them. Humans. You had no one to make your wishes come true.
Felix hated how heavy that realization made his heart feel. You were one of the few, a rarity, who made him see the beauty in wishes again. The magic.
You came to him with a dreamy smile every day, recounting all the wishes you'd collected, and he could only listen to you with endearment. Chan, the Wish Keeper, teased him for his obvious crush. You, however, were oblivious. You could hear everyone's wishes but his.
One beautiful autumn day, as you were patiently waiting for a wish, you sensed a candle being blown nearby. Your sparkly wings fluttered in its direction instantly, heart pumping in excitement as you neared the place.
You expected many things. A child, an adult, maybe even a granny, but you didn't expect to find the Fairy Prince with a cupcake in hand.
Right, you remembered, it's the prince's birthday today.
As you were about to leave, you heard his wish being muttered and your wings froze. You looked back, catching his gaze that settled on you calmly. Felix glowed. Perhaps it was the sunlight or his natural fairy glimmer, but he looked like a star. He took your breath away.
"W-What did you wish for?" You tripped over your words, not quite believing your ears. He only smiled at you, and you were sure you were blinded by the brilliance.
His glassy wings reflected the gentle sunlight as he flew towards you. "You heard my wish."
The tiny cake was still in his hands, and it sat between you when he came to stand before you. Wishes were always beautiful. Wishes made you happy. Wishes made you smile. But no wish made your heart sing as his did.
"I wish for you."
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