[your everything]

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At some point, Changbin stopped resisting. He let their fists hail on him, coloring his skin in what would soon bloom into purple and blue hues.

You told him not to leave—you begged him, but he couldn't. He had to see them. They killed his friend, he had to go.

It hurt to shrug your hand off his arm, to avoid your teary eyes and walk away. Why did you fall for an outlaw? A corrupt soul with nothing but fights to involve in? You didn't deserve the pain he was putting you through, he told you many times. He warned you that nothing good came out of meeting him. You only smiled and kissed him, assuring him that you were strong enough. That you loved him.

Something crushed his ribs, knocking the air out of his lungs. It might've been a kick or something else, he couldn't tell. He couldn't think. All he saw was your smile. All he heard was your voice. I love you.

He had to live. He had to return to your arms. He had to see you one last time.

Then it all stopped. Pain rung in his ears, but the punches stopped. He could barely see around him, but he imagined his friends fighting them off.

Then he heard your voice, clear despite the discord in his head. You called his name, cursed when you saw his state, and gathered him in your shaky arms.

Although Changbin felt nothing, he was at ease in your embrace. Even though you cried at the miserable state he was in, he smiled. He smiled because he was back in your arms. He smiled because he could hear your voice again. He smiled because you were there, and Changbin knew he would be okay.

As long as you were there.

As long as you were there

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