[want you to hold my heart]

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A small yelp came from behind you and you turned around to find Jisung flumped on the ice, eyes widened in surprise. A chuckle escaped your lips as you helped your boyfriend up to his feet.

"I can't do this," Jisung complained as he held onto your arm for dear life, legs shaking on the frigid ice. You shook your head with a smile, relying on your stable stance to support the both of you as you reached for his other hand. "Let me help you."

Jisung only looked at you in a mixture of doubt and fear, making you chuckle once more. You held his hands firmly in yours as you skated backwards, pulling him forward with you. It was his first time trying ice skates and Jisung wasn't necessarily getting the hang of it. Unlike yourself, who'd been skating for years. You'd always wanted to go skating with Jisung and you finally did, after his many attempts at stalling. You were going to make sure you both had fun.

Slowly, you moved around the empty ice rink, keeping your eyes on your struggling boyfriend. You noticed how his hands would tighten around yours when his legs wobbled, almost as if he was afraid. It warmed your heart. So much that you were sure it was on fire, burning with love and affection for the boy in front of you. All you wanted to do was keep him safe.

Your small endeavor was soon interrupted as Jisung found himself losing his balance again, pulling you down with him. Your hand shot to the nearest railing and you steadied yourself, barely gripping Jisung's arm to prevent his fall. Up again, you returned to the same position you were in, resuming to guide him around the ice rink as if nothing happened.

Jisung soon found himself forgetting about the ice, distracted by you instead. Your hair was being blown to the side gently, a result of the slow pace you were skating at. Your eyes settled on your feet, trying to perfect your strides to help Jisung move faster all while smoothly skating around the rink. You loved ice skating, Jisung knew, and he admired that. But at that moment, he was captivated by how attentive you were. How you held his hands, reassuringly tight, yet as if he was a precious flower you didn't want to crush. He was drifting with you. Gliding over the ice peacefully. Admiring you openly. There was no one to judge him, no one to tell him otherwise. You were just there, and Jisung realized that he's never been so in love before.

Your eyes flickered from the ice to meet his for a second and you grinned, catching the loving look in his eyes. "What is it?"

Jisung smiled, eyes twinkling, "Why do you insist on holding my hands? You'll fall."

"I'm afraid you'll fall."

"We'll both fall this way," he laughed, and you smiled at the sound you treasured so much.

"So? If you fall, we fall together, 'sung, and then we stand back up," your smile didn't falter. As cheesy as it was, you meant every word. And you wouldn't trade the way Jisung's eyes softened at your words for the world.

"Even in an ice rink?" He joked, keeping that endearing tone in his voice. You nodded eagerly, "Even in an ice rink."

He could've continued to joke, but Jisung was tongue-tied. How could he speak when you'd just swept his heart away with a few words?

He wasn't complaining, however. Jisung knew that it was in good hands. There was no one he trusted with that fragile piece of him more than you. There is no better candidate. Who could possibly be as charming, kind, and enchanting as you?

"I'd kiss you right now if it didn't mean I'd fall over," Jisung pouted, squeezing your hands, and you laughed heartily. "Well then, you better learn quick."


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