[you're in full blossom]

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[From the world of 'When the Clocks Stop Ticking']

Seungmin knows that falling for a time traveler is a horrible, terrible idea, but he couldn't care. Not when everything about you was lovable. Everything you did, everything you said. You were like quicksand. The more he tried to resist it, the deeper he fell in your love.

The two of you knew you had an uncertain time with each other. Who knew when would the hands call you again? Who knew when he'd wake up to empty arms and a cold bed?

You knew, so you treasured every moment you had with him. In that time. In that world. You didn't hold back, and neither did he. If you were going to leave this time, if you were to be taken away from him, you didn't want to carry regrets.

Bounded by unstable time, you loved each other sincerely. Boundlessly. Like flowers in full bloom. Never wilting. Never blinking.

"Seungmin," you called out to him once, and he turned to look at you, "Yeah?"

Starlight danced on his face, making him appear more angelic than you thought was humanly possible. His metallic hand held yours as if you would disappear at any moment. As if he wanted to imprint the way they felt interlocked with his in his senses.

"If I don't find my key here and I-I leave," you exhaled, afraid to meet his eyes and see any pain in them, afraid he'd see the pain in yours, "know that I loved you, and I always will. Even if we're not in the same time. E-Even if you become something of the future and I of the past. I'll always remember you, Kim Seungmin."

Seungmin's heart not only swooned at your words, but also cried out in utter sadness. He hated thinking of you leaving. "Look at me."

You lifted your gaze, taking in the way he looked at you as if you were behind all the wonders of the world. So endearingly that it made your heart tremble and your mind fuzzy.

His metallic hand was warm when it left yours to settle on your cheek, and his words were as gentle as the morning breeze. "Whatever happens to us won't change the place you've claimed as yours in my heart. We'll find your key."

That night, you slept under the stars. And when Seungmin opened his eyes the next day, you were gone.

 And when Seungmin opened his eyes the next day, you were gone

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