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Jeongin thought he might die if you continued to smile at him like that.

"Does it look okay?" You fixed the flower crown he made for you on your head, careful not to crush the delicate flowers.

Okay was the biggest understatement he could answer you with. You didn't look okay. You looked beautiful, mesmerizing, stunning, otherworldly, ethereal, and all the synonyms he could think of. "You look perfect."

You only giggled, shoving him ever so lightly before your hands went back to the flower crown. Your eyes sparkled in wonder, "It's so pretty—nothing like those faux-flower crowns! Can you teach me how to make one?"


He held your hand and took you strolling around the meadow, picking out little blooms for the flower crown. When you were satisfied with the miniature bouquet in your hands, you went back to sit under the shade of the tree and Jeongin started showing you how to twine the stems around each other.

Your work might've been a little flimsy and loose, but that's when Jeongin would take your hands and gently guide you throughout the process. He felt his heart erupt in joy and love when you gasped, finally getting the hang of it.

He sat there, watching you as you focused on the crown-in-the-making as if it was the most important thing you've ever done. It was cute, he concluded, how your brows furrowed lightly, and you disregarded everything else around you. There he was, falling in love with you all over again.

"Done!" You lifted your finished piece triumphantly before shuffling closer to where he sat and reaching to place the flower crown on his head.

"There," you patted his hair with a sweet smile. Cradling his cheeks in your hands, you pressed a soft kiss to the tip of his nose and Jeongin was sure his heart stopped beating then, overwhelmed by the amount of love pumping through his veins. "Perfect."


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