[love you unconditionally]

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You decided it was time you found better friends when Felix pushed you into a dark room and locked the door behind you. He was supposed to drive you to your date with Chan. Whatever this place was, it didn't look like the right place.

You pulled your phone out, a swipe away from calling your boyfriend when a familiar beat filled your ears, followed by his smooth voice. You held your breath. You knew that song.

A light turned on by the opposing wall, illuminating an empty frame, and you stepped towards it curiously. Only then did you make out the words written on the framed paper. Our timeline.

You looked to your right and you spotted a line of frames, each illuminated by a small bulb, stretching across a long corridor. This wasn't a simple dark room. It was a gallery.

A gallery of you and Chan.

You stopped by the first frame, a picture of the two of you at your community park. The bronze plate underneath it read: our first date, 1.8.18

You were walking down the lane of memory. More dates, birthdays, and moments, each framed and accompanied by a little note.

Our first kiss, 23.9.18.

First 'I love you', 7.10.18.

The day I knew you were the one for me, 25.3.19.

The further you walked into the corridor, the louder his voice became, and the louder your heart became. That song was your special song. The song you hummed to him whenever he felt down, the song you swayed to in each other's arms. Your special song.

Arcade date, 4.4.19.

First trip together, 17.5.19.

Our first anniversary, 1.8.19.

Collecting seashells, 4.8.19.

With each step you took, you felt yourself falling in love all over again. Every detail, every frame, reminded you of how lucky you were to have Chan in your life. Even the smallest of things became a memorable moment with him, a souvenir you cherished and carried with you everywhere.

Surprise birthday party, 3.10.19.

Running in the rain, 2.1.20.

Disney movie marathon, 6.4.20.

One frame remained and by then, all you could see was him. His name was a mantra in your head, falling in rhythm with each beat of your heart. With every quiet breath. All you wanted to do was run into his arms, hold him and never let go, kiss him until you lose all your senses — just Chan, as he was.

You stopped in front of the last frame, but instead of a printed memory, your reflection stared back at you.

Then you spotted him, standing behind you under the spotlight, gazing at you as he poured his heart into the lyrics. The song was nearing an end and you held back to let your eyes flicker to the plaque, reading the words inscribed on the metal.

The day I propose, 4.5.20.

You turned around with a hand clamped over your mouth as you took in his kneeling form. In place of the microphone he held, a small box sat, velvet pillow embracing a ring that shone like a miniature star.

He looked so delicate, so ethereal when he called your name and before you knew it, you were rushing toward him. A step and then another, and you were wrapping your arms around him.

Chan's arms tightened around your figure as he ran his fingers through your hair comfortingly. You could hear the warm smile in his voice as he repeated, "Don't cry, love."

He loosened his embrace for you to pull away, wiping your tears with the pad of his thumb as he muttered, voice shaky, "If you cry, you'll make me cry."

You could only chuckle, trying to hide your red eyes. "When did you plan all this?"

"Sometime." He smiled, dimple showing as he tucked the strands of hair that fell over your face behind your ear. "You didn't even let me say my speech."

You laughed, eyes still wet with glimmering tears as you hit his shoulder lightly, "I thought Felix was pulling a mean prank on me!"

It was his turn to laugh, hands falling to caress your arms as he pulled you up with him. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before meeting your gaze again. "Well, this is not a prank..."

"Because I mean it, with every fiber of my heart, when I say I love you. You're my everything. My sky and stars, my moon and sun, my day and night. You're the center of my universe.

"I can't imagine a life without you, nor do I want to. So, my love," he kneeled again and it was as if the world held its breath. You could only hear him. "will you marry me?" 

 "will you marry me?" 

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