The Letter

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By the time my letter is found, I'll be long gone. I'll be gone to spare you the expense of exiling me. I know what I did, and I'm sorry. I apologize.

I apologize to the kingdom. I apologize to the Caelimen. I apologize to the queen. I apologize to the princess. I apologize to my family. I apologize to the Fairies. I apologize to the Elves. I apologize to the Pixies. And I apologize to her. I didn't mean to. It was not my intention to bring the hunters. They took her, and I was blinded by despair. I'm sorry.

I've let myself down, alongside the kingdom and my fellow Caelimen. I am ashamed to include myself within the arrays of loyal, true Fae. I'll be long gone, so don't find me. I've lost her, and my life is following suit. They took my wings, and I fear this terror will soon befall the land I love yet betrayed with little scruple. Don't find me, I deserve this punishment. I'm sorry. I loved, and I lost. I'm sorry.

- Lee Minho

coming soon.

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