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two months later

It had been a while since I'd last seen Javon when I noticed him on the bleachers next to the baseball field. I realised he was probably watching his brother. I wasn't sure if I had to go talk to him but just as I decided I didn't want to today, Javon turned his head and waved at me. I awkwardly waved back and walked up to him. I sat down next to him and there was a very awkward silence.

"So," I said breaking the silence. "what have you been doing?" I knew it was a standard question but I didn't know what else to say.

"I've been fine I guess." he said. But I knew him well enough to see that he was lying. "I got the role." he said emotionless.

"That's nice. Have you already started filming?" I asked him to keep a silence from falling again.

"Not yet, but we'll start in after the summer and." Javon suddenly just stopped his sentence it was very weird.

"Why did you stop?" I said confused. I moved around in the chair because I was sitting in a really annoying position with my legs weirdly turned to the side. I looked to the ground to see if me skirt hadn't risen because of all my turning but just as I looked I heard Javon.

"I can't do this anymore." when I looked up Javon was already running down the stairs of the bleachers. I stood up and looked at the field where I saw Jaden had stopped to look at me and wave. I waved back and ran after Javon.

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

I had looked everywhere around the baseball field for Javon but he was nowhere to be seen. I realised there were only a few places he could be; his house or the gym and since the Waltons have a gym in their house I decided to try there.

I ringed the doorbell and it opened almost immediately. Daelo had opened it and looked up at me. I had seen him a couple of times but I'd never spoken to him.

He looked at me and tilted his head. "Javon, your girlfriend Emma is here!" he screamed loudly.

"My name is not Emma." I told Daelo. "My name is Naomi."

"But you're his girlfriend, right?" he asked looking up at me. He looked adorable.

"Not anymore." I answered his question. "I'm just here to speak with him."

He moved out of the way to let me through. It was a bit weird he let a stranger into his house but I suppose he'd seen me multiple times in his house so I wasn't really a stranger anymore but still, don't let strangers into your house.

I walked towards the gym in the basement of the house and heard the sound of fist colliding with a box ball. As soon as I got into the gym I immediately saw Javon punching the living hell out of the boxing ball. He was putting so much anger in his punches, it kinda scared me.

"Javon." I tried but it seemed like he couldn't hear. It was like he was in his own world. I tried calling his name a couple more times but he just didn't respond.

I walked closer towards him and noticed there were tear stains on his cheeks. I didn't care about him anymore and sprinted in front of him. I grabbed his hands, which were raw from all the pinching and he finally seemed to acknowledge me. It was a miracle Id succeeded in not getting punched after grabbing his hands but I did.

He looked at me confused. "What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to follow me." he sat as he walked out of the room, up the stairs.

I followed him. "I was worried, you just ran off." Javon had walked to his room and signalled for me to go in. Nothing had changed since the last time I'd been here. He sat down on a sofa in his room and I sat next to him.

"It's just that I couldn't bare seeing you anymore." he admitted not looking me in the eyes. I didn't know how to respond to that. "You look happy, you're doing well in school. For all I know you even have a new boyfriend ."

I was still for a little while. "That's the problem." I stated. "You think I need you to be happy in life, but the truth is I don't. I'm fine on my own."

The realisation seemed to hit him. "So you don't have a boyfriend." he said trying to hide his jealousy but failing miserably.

"No I don't."

"So nobody will be mad if I do this." and before I could process his words, his lips were already on mine. A thousand thought were running through my head. Did I really want to take the risk of getting heart broken again?

But the answer was yes. It would always be yes, if that would mean I was with Javon.

"Mom said you needed to clean your-" Daelo walked in and Javon and I jumped apart. "What is going on here?" he asked. "We're you guys-"

But Javon interrupted him. "Go tell mom I'll do it in a minute but I'm a little bit busy right now.

Daelo left with a horrified look on his face. I laughed and Javon just grunted which made me laugh even harder.

"We probably traumatised him for life."

Serendipity - Javon Wanna WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now