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As I stormed off I could hear Javon following me. It had just started raining so I was soaked and that didn't help. Before I knew it Javon was in front of me.

"I don't understand. Why are you mad?" he questioned me as he walked backwards. It was a miracle he didn't fall.

"Are you kidding me." I replied to him whilst I stopped walking. "I am mad because me 'boyfriend' finds his career more important than our relationship. And if Emma was threatening you, how are you even here?"

Javon stepped closer to me again and I was so confused on why he did that. "My manager has already talked to the director and now I don't need to be with her anymore."

"And you didn't think about telling me?" I asked him hopelessly.

"No,Yes, I just want to forget about all of this and move on." he said as he grabbed my hands.

"What do you want me to say," I asked him already knowing the answer. "That I'm gonna get back together with you because I'm sorry but I don't want that."

"But we never even broke up." Javon said with a hopeful look on his face, trying to convince me. He looked pretty cute even though he was soaking wet. I smiled softly at him.

"We may have not made it official but I don't feel like were in a relationship anymore." I told him. His face immediately dropped and he stopped holding my hands.

"I get that but can't we just try to make it work?" I had honestly thought about that. Just giving him a second chance. But I realised I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready for a relationship or to get my hearth broke again.

Javon probably saw that I wasn't going to give in and he grabbed my face with his hands. He got really close to my face until there were only a couple of centimetres between our faces.

"Can't we just try?" he asked again. I shook my head. I had already made up my mind about this. I wasn't going to go through this again.

"I'm sorry." I apologised to him. I took his hands of my face and walked back to the hotel.

I felt different. It wasn't a good feeling but it also wasn't bad. I felt very guilty of course but above all I felt relieved.

Serendipity - Javon Wanna WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now