Prologue - Soul Song

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As the sound of guitars blared in front of me, a smile grew on my face, and I could feel my heart set ablaze. As I watched the metal band I love, The Darkstars, perform, I was filled with so much excitement, and my foot tapping to the rhythm of the drums. The songs this band plays always manage to fill my heart and my body with a burning passion, and I can feel myself more ready to do anything than anything else I've tried.

In the end, the concert came to an end, and I could feel my excitement and hype permeate my body. Maybe before I head back to Uchiura I should hang out around for a while.

As I was distracted by my thoughts, I felt myself bump into somebody. I looked down and saw a girl about a head shorter than me with blonde hair in front of me. Isn't she the student who is also somehow the chairwoman at Uranohoshi? Well whatever, that doesn't feel too important right now. Instead I just gave her a smile and said "Sorry about that lady, I should probably wait to start daydreaming until I'm not surrounded by people."

She looked at me and with a smile said "Oh it's fine, it's not like you did on purpose."

"I guess that's true, but I'd still end up regretting it if I did it and said nothing." I said

"I can imagine why." she said

As the girl and I talked, we still kept walking towards the exit. The concert is over after all, so there's not really any point to just staying there.

She let out a sigh and said "My heart won't stop pounding! That concert was so great, and brilliant, and fantastic!"

"I know what you mean, I'm way hyped up after that." I said

As we got to the entrance, I gave her one last smile and said "Now I'm gonna go, I'll see you around at Uranohoshi."

"Right, see you around." She said before she realized that I had offhandedly mentioned Uranohoshi, and she started to smile a bit more. She then headed off her own way while I chose a direction to wander around in. It's not too often I head somewhere near Tokyo for a concert after all.


One Week Later...

As I sat at the library counter doing my librarian duties, I read a book on psychology, looking up any words that I hadn't heard before and couldn't figure out with the context. I'm not exactly great on psychology, but it is interesting, and it could maybe be useful research for the story I've been trying to write.

As I sat there, trying to pass the time, I noticed three girls enter the library, the student council president Dia Kurosawa, the blonde girl I ran into at the Darkstar concert, and a girl with dark blue hair in a ponytail.

I looked up at them as they entered, and Kurosawa nodded to me as they headed into the nonfiction section. I'm guessing they are here to pick up something for the individual projects that third years were assigned in history class. Every person has a different subject, and I can deal with my research later.

After a while, the blonde girl came up to me and said "Hey, I'm looking for a specific book on the warring states period but it doesn't look like it's there." I guess she maybe doesn't recognize me right now.

I asked her what it was titled, and after she answered I looked it up. "It looks like it was borrowed nearly a week ago. It should be brought back soon though. In the next day or two. But if you want a different book on the subject I can recommend a few."

She smiled at me and said "That'd be great, I was just looking for that book because the teacher said it'd be good for my project."

"Well then, if you want, since we have a week to do the project, if you're willing to wait a day or two, I can bring the book to your office when it comes back in. Would that work with you, chairwoman?" I said, a small smile forming on my face

She examined me for a moment before she said "Wait, are you the guy I ran into at the Darkstar concert? You're acting so differently than how you were then."

I shrugged and said "When I'm hyped up like I was then, I feel a bit more confident, and I end up playing the part. I'm Y/n L/n by the way."

"I'm Mari Ohara. Getting confident when you're feeling passionate is so awesome." she said

"It definitely feels great, it feels like all the excess junk weighing me down is burned away, and I'm stronger than before." I said

"Ooh, I love that way of putting it." Ohara said

As I talked with Ohara, Kurosawa came up from behind her holding a book and said "Mari, focus and get something to do your project with."

Ohara said "I was, Y/n here was just telling me that the book I was looking for was being borrowed right now and that he'd come tell me once it's returned."

"Oh really? Well okay." Kurosawa said, walking up to me and handing me the book she was borrowing, and I checked it out quickly before handing it back to her.

"Oh Dia, it turns out this is the guy I ran into the concert I told you about." Mari said smiling

"I see, well I'm glad you finally ran into him again." Kurosawa said

Soon enough, the girl with the ponytail came up with a book, and as I rang it up, she said "Hey, shouldn't we get to practice soon?"

"Yes we should" Kurosawa responded

Ohara looked at me and said "Alright, I gotta get going, I'll see you Y/n."

"See you too Ohara." I said

"Come on, feel free to just call me Mari." She said with a smile and a wink before she left with her friends.

As she left, I couldn't help but smile a bit. She seems like a really interesting person, not to mention that she's really cute looking. Plus, with the whole thing about bringing her that book, I know I'm gonna get another chance to talk to her, and for now I'll just eagerly look forward to that.


A/n: And thus, a new story begins. Thanks for checking out this first chapter of Everlasting Shine, and I hope you'll stick around. I plan to make this fic longer, with a similar length to Whims of Fate and Ambivalent World from last year. Mari is my second favorite character in all of Love Live, and I hope I can represent her well in this, and I hope you all will stick around and enjoy.

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