Chapter 4 - Denial of Expectations

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One Month Later...

As I sat off to the side of the steps up to the temple here on Awashima, I looked out at the view in front of me, the sight of the buildings and deep blue ocean in front of me put a smile on my face. I seriously love looking at this view, and I'm starting to wonder if I should maybe write something like this into one of my future stories.

As all sorts of ideas started to form in my mind, I pulled out my phone and started to type them out onto a note app, when I got a phone call from Mari. Curious about what was up, I put my ideas to the side and answered "Hey Mari, what's up?"

"Hey Y/n, are you free to meet up today?" Mari asked

"Yeah, how come?" I asked. I honestly had nothing planned besides hanging out at home and maybe doing a bit of writing at some point.

"Well there's something that's come up, and I was wondering if the two of us could meet up by your place and hang out for a bit." Mari said, pausing before she added "I'll explain why I'd prefer if we hung out at your place later."

"I mean sure we can, the place is empty anyways, but are you alright?" I asked, concerned for her

"I'm fine, there's just a situation that's happening soon I'd prefer to avoid." Mari said

Figuring that whatever is going on she can explain later, I told her my address and said I'd be there to let her in as soon as I could. Mari agreed and the phone call then ended.

I then headed back down the steps and down the main road as I headed to my place. As I walked by however, I heard a loud cough, which I turned to look at, only to find a man in a cardigan with his arms crossed, glaring at me.

"Uh can I help you?" I asked politely

"About time you noticed me. Tell me the way to the Ohara Hotel." He said. Wow, is the word please not in this guys dictionary? Whatever, if I just get it over with I can get back to meeting up with Mari.

"Down that road and you shouldn't be able to miss it." I said

He scoffed and said "It better be. Why she chooses to be in this podunk town is beyond me."

He brushed past me, and I just thought to myself that the guys seemed like a tool as I got back to heading towards my place. When I eventually got to my place, I saw Mari sitting on the bench out front, and as she saw me, she smiled and waved to me.

"Hey Mari, sorry that it took me a bit to get here. When I got your call I was halfway up the steps to the temple." I said

"It's fine Y/n, I can wait." Mari said

I nodded and pulled out my keys to unlock the door and let us in. "My parents are both at work right now so it'll just be the two of us."

"Alright, that's fine." Mari said

"Now do you want me to get you something to drink real quick?" I said. Isn't the typical thing that you offer tea? My family are really tea drinkers so I dunno if that'd be possible here.

"I'm fine, thanks Y/n." Mari said looking around my living room before taking a seat on the couch

I joined her on the couch and we ended up trying to figure out what exactly to do. Once we ended up deciding to check out this movie that Mari recommended, I decided to deal with my curiosity.

"Now Mari, could you please tell me why exactly you wanted to meet up at my place rather than go out?" I said, hoping I wasn't pushing it or anything

"Right, I did say I'd explain, didn't I?" Mari said in a more serious tone than her usual "The truth is that my mom has tried to arrange marriages for me in the past, and today she is coming by and was planning to have me do lunch with a potential partner she's picked out for me. The issue is that I'm not interested in that, and this particular partner I don't think I can get along with."

"How come?" I asked "Er I mean I can get why you'd not be interested in an arranged marriage but is there something about this guy you have that much trouble with?"

"I only met him once before at an event I went to with my parents, but from what I saw, he acted polite and mature around the other guests, but to the waiting staff and people he described as 'beneath him' he was inconsiderate and rude." Mari said

"Oh, I think I ran into that tool on the way here." I said before I jokingly added "If I had realized he was that bad, when he asked for directions I would have just told him the way back to the docks."

Mari let out a small giggle and said "I appreciate the thought."

"So I take it you're just planning to spend some time hanging out with me until you figure he leaves, but will you still be able to see your mom?" I asked

"Yeah, she'll probably stay at the hotel for the night and head back tomorrow, so I should be able to spend a while with her." Mari said

"Alright, I'm glad to hear that." I said

The two of us spent a while hanging out in my living room, talking and watching a movie that Mari recommended, which seemed to really get my blood pumping. However, after a while Mari checked the time and said "I imagine he's given up for now so I'm gonna head home soon. Thanks for spending the day with me."

"No problem. I mean if you need somewhere to go to avoid schmucks like that again in the future, I'm more than willing to spend a while hanging out with you." I said half jokingly

Mari gave me a smile and teasingly said "Thanks Y/n, but if you put it like that I may want to come hang out with you more often than just that."

"You say that like I'd be against it." I said smiling at her

Mari giggled and said "Well then, I may do just that." She then teasingly added "Well I've enjoyed this little date of ours but I'm gonna head home. See you at school tomorrow."

Mari then left, leaving me blushing a bit from her last statement. That wasn't a date or anything, that was just a couple of friends hanging out, right? Still a bit flustered, I let out a sigh and figured I'd get up and get moving for now. I swear, that girl is way interesting, but her teasing really hits me where I don't expect it to. But still, that just kind of adds to the charm of hanging out with her.


A/n: The naming theme I wanted to go for was a pain in the butt to get anything good for so I guess I'm gonna be giving up on it for the most part, excluding the rare instance what I had in mind really fits. Though that naming theme should end up obvious with Chapter 7 at the very least

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