Chapter 19 - Promising The Best

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One Year Later...

As I walk alongside Mari in a suit, I can't help but feel a little bit nervous about this evening. In six months Mari and I are going to get married, and having only gotten the chance to do so briefly only a few times in the past, Mari's father wants to actually get to know his future son-in-law. And because of that, Mari and I are meeting up with her parents for dinner tonight at some nice restaurant in Tokyo.

Still, I've only really met Mari's father in passing a couple of times, but from what I've seen he seems like he's somewhat quiet but very caring towards his daughter and opens up some for her. Mari's mother I don't need to worry about getting along with since I've met her a couple times and she's been pretty open, but I can't help but worry about her father freezing me out. I want to get along with my fiance's parents after all.

Mari, picking up on my concern, squeezed my hand and said "Relax Y/n, I'm one hundred percent sure you and Papa will get along."

"You're right, things are gonna turn out alright, and if they don't I'll just need to find a way to turn it around." I said

Mari smiled and with a wink said "That's better. Now come on, the restaurant is just down the hall."

As we headed in, the host saw us and said "Hello, do you have a reservation?"

"We're the other guests that Ohara should have mentioned." Mari said

"Oh you are? Then please follow me." The host said before guiding us towards the back to a table with two familiar figures waiting for us at it.

"There you two are, I was wondering when you would get here." Mrs. Ohara said

As we took our seats Mari said "We would have been here sooner, but Y/n needed to take care of a work call before we could head in."

"Oh really? How come?" Mrs Ohara asked

"Well I've been working on another book and my editor has been trying to pressure me to iron out some details ahead of time rather than improvising everything but the basic concept of the scene." I said

"In any case, Mari mentioned you two are going to be getting married in six months." Mr. Ohara said, changing the topic.

Mrs. Ohara giggled slightly at his poor segue as Mari answered "That's right, we're going to be sending invitations soon, and we're planning to have our ceremony on May 25."

Mr. Ohara smiled at his daughter and said "I'll be sure to have the whole day free. And if you need any help with anything be sure to ask and we'll be there."

Mari nodded and said "Thanks Papa."

"I promise I'm going to make her happy sir." I said to Mr. Ohara.

He paused to look at me for a moment and said "Even from looking at her right now I can see you already have. Mari is one of the most important things to me and she's always shined so bright in my life, so seeing her happy with you, it just makes me hope you two will stay like this."

"I'm sure we'll be. She's absolutely amazing and I know that my feelings for her are never going to change." I assured him

The waiter soon arrived to get the orders for our entrees, and as the three of them talked I finally fully felt like this evening wasn't going to have any issues. I mean he's way less cold to me than I expected. Then again, I just figured that he'd have an issue with me or something over the fact I was marrying his daughter, in the same way that's so popular in media.

"Not that I'd complain about that..." I muttered to myself before joining in on their conversation, filling in some details about things that've happened to me and Mari recently, a smile on my face.


That evening, as we headed home, I heard Mari giggling over something she was looking at on her phone. I looked over to her and said "What's up?"

"I just received a text from Mom saying that since Papa wanted to know more about you before dinner tonight he actually bought a copy of your last book, planning to read a bit and see if he could figure anything out about you. Well according to Mom, a minute after they got back to the car he pulled it back out and started reading it." Mari said "Looks like your soon to be father-in-law is turning into a fan."

I let out a chuckle and said "Alright, was not expecting that one..."

Still, I'm glad to hear it, I mean I like to imagine that stories connect people, so maybe that book will be a way for him to understand his son-in-law some.

As we got home, I let out a sigh and as Mari took off her jacket and put it up, I hugged from behind, tired and just wanting to show Mari how much I love her. Something Mr. Ohara said about Mari having always shined so bright in his life popped into my head, and I couldn't help but smile as I thought of how Mari has always been a shining light for me, and I'm sure that she'll always be someone who shines.

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