Interlude - Symbols of Love

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Mari's Perspective

Two Months Later...

As I got back to my room after classes, I let out a small sigh. Yesterday was Valentines, and while Y/n and I celebrated over a video call yesterday, it still just isn't the same. Previous years we've headed out to eat or just spent the evening doing whatever seemed fun, but during all those times we were still able to touch each other. It's not like I can fly over to him or the other way around, the flight is nine hours and classes are still going on.

As I stepped in, I found a box had been left on the entryway table. I guess a package arrived for me, but who is it from? As I picked it up I saw the label said that it was from Japan, and was from Y/n.

Curious as to what it was, I opened it and saw inside was a smaller box with a note taped to it.

Mari, as much as I've been busy lately when I think of you I know it's worth it, and so alongside an early copy of my book like you asked me to send, I spent what I had to get something else for you. I know it's not much, but I've kept you waiting on this for way too long, I'm just sorry I wasn't there to give it to you in person -Y/n

As I started to realize what it might be, I quickly opened it, and alongside a copy of Y/n's novel I found a small silk box on top. I picked it up and opened it to find a silver ring with diamonds embedded in it. I felt my smile grow as I remembered how often Y/n said that he wanted to buy me an engagement ring himself before he really considered himself my fiance, and I look at the ring, I know that he's probably as happy to send this to me as I am to see it. I took it out and slid it onto my finger, looking at my hand with the ring on it. I love it, and I'm even more excited for me and Y/n to do our video call tonight so I can tell him how much I love him.


Y/n's Perspective

As I sit at my first ever book signing on the first day of my novel's release, I can't help but smile. Partially because I'm getting to see people tell me that they like my writing, dispelling some of my fears over its quality, but most of all because any day now Mari should be getting the ring. Unfortunately it took a while to have it delivered all the way to where she is, but I'm so excited to tell her how much I love her, and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

I'm soon returned from my daydreams as another person came up to me, and handed me their copy, and as I signed it, they said "When I saw your first novel I was a bit surprised that it was your first published story. But can I ask you one thing? The name in the dedication, can I ask who Mari is?"

As I heard their words I had to hold myself back from gushing about how amazing my girlfriend is, and with a smile I said "Mari is my fiancee."

"Oh really? Congratulations!" They said as they got their copy back, heading off afterwards.

As I waited for somebody else to come, I opened up a copy I had nearby to see my dedication one more time

Thanks Mari, my greatest inspiration, and whom without I'd have never taken the steps to turn my passion into a reality

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