Chapter 2 - Moonlight Rendezvous

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Two Weeks Later...

As the sun sets outside my window, I let out a small groan as I struggle to write anything good for the writing competition. I only have a week before I need to submit it, and while I'm near the end, I'm having trouble ramping things down towards the ending, and with proofreading and editing, I want to finish things in the next couple days.

As I sat at my desk, my head resting on my fist, I heard my parents call me down for dinner, which I headed down and ate, trying to forget about the issues I was dealing with a bit. As always, my family was a great distraction and I could feel my mood improving some while spending some time with them.

After dinner was over, rather than heading up to my room I thought I may as well get some fresh air before I head back up and try to make one last push for the evening. It's getting dark outside, but I can get by with just the ambient light.

I headed outside, and after I put my headphones in, I headed to the coast to walk alongside the ocean. I really like the way the moon's light is split and scattered by the waves after all.

I wandered down the path for a while before I saw up ahead was another figure whose blonde hair was visible due to the moon beams. As she turned to face the ocean, I saw that it was Mari, and the way she looked under the moonlight was absolutely stunning. I was blown away by the sight of her, and as she looked out, she must have seen me in the corner of her eye, because she turned to face me.

"Hey there Mari." I said.

A smile formed on her face and she said "Hey Y/n, for a second there I didn't recognize and thought somebody was following me. So how are you doing?"

I shrugged as I walked up to her and said "Eh I've been worse."

"So is something wrong?" Mari asked

"Nothing too big, I'm just having trouble working on something." I said

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Mari said as she started walking, leading to me walking beside her without really thinking about it.

"I mean I guess I can. I'm just having trouble coming up with something to start ramping things down in a story I'm writing for a writing competition." I said "I'll figure something out. Hopefully."

"I figured you were a big reader since every time I go to the library I see you reading something, but I didn't know you were trying to be a writer too." Mari said

"It's just kinda fun. I've always daydreamed stories when I was bored, and like this I can make them into something more than a passing fantasy." I said

"You say while phrasing it like you're in a book." Mari responded, smiling a bit

"True enough." I said, chuckling slightly.

"But anyways Y/n, you'll have to let me read it when it's finished, I'm curious about what kind of stories you would write." Mari said

"Sure, that sounds like a plan." I said. Truthfully I haven't really had many people I know read my stories since for some reason it's embarrassing to me, but Mari wouldn't be the worst person out there to read something of mine.

"Great!" Mari said in english before she said "So is that why you decided to head out on a walk this late?"

"Yeah, I was trying to refresh myself with the great view and maybe figure out some solution to my problem." As we walked down the coast together, I looked at the full moon overhead and said "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be so forward with your affections Y/n." Mari said, a smile on her face

I could feel a blush starting to rise to my face as I realized what she was implying and I said "No wait, I didn't mean it that way, I just meant that the full moon looks really nice tonight."

Mari smiled before she said in english "It's a joke" she stopped before she added "But I agree Y/n, the moon is really pretty out tonight."

I let out a small sigh as I said "Come on, please don't toy with me like that."

"Why not? Your reaction was pretty cute after all." Mari teased

"Um anyways, do you and the girls in Aquors have a performance or something coming up soon? Because maybe I could cheer you on." I said

"Yeah, we're going to be performing at an event in a couple of weeks. I'll tell you more about the specifics when it's getting closer." Mari said

"Alright, I'm looking forward to it." I said

The two of us walked a while longer, talking about whatever until we got to the location of Hotel Ohara. After we got there, Mari looked back to me and said "This is my stop. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Right, see you then." I said

She headed inside, and after I let out a yawn, I headed back to my home, planning to try and get a little bit more work in before I head to bed for the night. Tonight's events firmly in my mind to see if I can take some inspiration.


A/n: I gotta say it was harder than I expected to find a title for this chapter based on my theme, I guess that's just because of the moon's connotations though.

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