Chapter 21 - Celebrating Our New Lives

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Two Days Later...

As the morning sun slowly woke me up, I got up and as I was about to yawn, I held it back as I looked out at the figure looking out of our hotel's veranda. I did the best I could to get out of bed quietly and treaded lightly up to her before wrapping my arms around her in a hug.

"Morning Mari." I said, resting my head on top of her, her hair tickling my nose slightly as I said "Enjoying the view?"

I felt Mari push herself closer to me as she said "Morning Y/n. And that's right, Italy is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, the county is pretty good looking, but there's a certain part-Italian girl I know who is infinitely more beautiful." I said

Mari giggled and said "Sounds like somebody is lying the compliments on thick."

"What can I say? It's our honeymoon and I'm just in the mood to say that kind of stuff." I said, hugging her a bit tighter as we looked out at the vista in front of us.

"I know, and that's just another thing I love about you." Mari said

It's the second day of our honeymoon, which we're spending in Florence. The first day was nice with us getting set up and doing a little bit of tourism, but today we can really start to enjoy our trip together. As opposed to Mari, who is fluent, I don't have any experience with speaking Italian, but I'm decent enough at English that I can scrape by here.

"So, any ideas for how to spend the day?" I asked

"Nothing in particular. Although we do have a reservation for a three Michelin star restaurant tonight." Mari said

"That's impressive... right? I'll be looking forward to that then, but for the afternoon, maybe we should just go out and wander some." I said "You know, see where the wind takes us."

"Y/n, you are aware the last time you did that during a trip, you ended up lost, right?" Mari said, reminding me of a less than great occasion from a small book tour I got to do. "Let's do it, whatever happens I'm sure there'll be some memorable moments from our little adventure."

I smiled and said "You're so perfect, you know that?"

Maybe it'd be for the best if we get lost for a bit


After spending the afternoon wandering around on our little adventure, we eventually returned to the hotel and spent the rest of the afternoon until our reservation just enjoying each other's affection. We didn't end up getting lost at all, but we did end up finding some nice places during our trip.

I swear, I've ended up at more high class restaurants since I ended up with Mari than I expected to in my entire life. Though I guess that's to be expected when you dated and married a girl whose family runs an international hotel chain.

As we sat at the restaurant having our dessert course, the two of us were talking and enjoying the white chocolate panna cotta that we had ordered, enjoying a nice, romantic evening for the two of us.

"Mari, I love you more than anyone in the world, and when I'm with you, I get so excited about the future. Thinking about what could happen, and how I'd handle it. But now that I can say that you're my beautiful wife, I'm even more excited about the future and the present, where I get to be with you." I said before I held up my glass and said "So here's to what our future together."

Mari smiled at me and teasingly said "If I didn't know any better, I'd assume you figured out that one ahead of time. But I'm looking forward to where our lives are going to go too."

She tapped her glass against mine as we shared our toast before I said "Honestly, I did figure that one out ahead of time. Despite being a writer and working with language a lot, I'm so bad at coming up with things on the fly."

"Oh I'm aware. It's just another thing I find cute about my handsome." Mari said

After we paid our bill, we took a leisurely walk back to the hotel, the evening sky dim overhead, and me and Mari holding hands. I know that it's our honeymoon so of course it'll be special, but it genuinely feels like everyday alongside Mari is way more enjoyable than it would be otherwise, and together we're going to have a lifetime full of them.


A/n: Sorry about the week wait for this chapter, I was sick for most of last week and it made it hard to focus on writing. But I'm better now, and I'm gonna get plenty of releases out in the near future.

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