Chapter 12 - An Afternoon on The Waves

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Two Months Later

As I stepped onto the ship, I let out a nervous sigh. According to Mari, since her mom's schedule has opened up some and she really wanted to meet me, she arranged for the three of us to get together on a lunch cruise, which I had honestly never heard of before Mari told me about this. Still, with this being my first time meeting one of my girlfriend's parents, I'm nervous about making a good first impression. After all, I want Mari's parents to like the man their daughter has chosen.

"Relax, I'm sure Mom is gonna like you." Mari said, picking up on my concerns and squeezing my hand gently.

"Right, thanks Mari." I said

As we stepped on it was just a matter of finding out whether or not she had boarded yet. However, as we were led into the dining area, a woman with long blonde hair walked up to us and said "There you are Mari. I was wondering where you two were."

"We had just got on board actually." Mari said before she turned to me "Y/n, this is my mother."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said stiffly and nervously

Mrs. Ohara apparently got a kick out of how nervous I was since she giggled for a second before she said "Now now, relax some. I'm just interested in finding out what kind of person the boy my daughter loves is."

I took a deep breath and said "Right, I can at least show you that much."

We were then guided to a table, and soon after the boat set off. As hors d'oeuvres arrive, another thing I never expected to end up trying since I've stuck with my middle class lifestyle, Mrs. Ohara asked "So how exactly did you two meet?"

"Well besides going to the same school, we first became really aware of each other at a concert, but I wasn't really expecting anything to come of it." I said "I mean for the most part I just quietly do my own thing."

"Maybe, but how much you changed compared to when you were excited made me want to learn more about you." Mari said

"Oh really? How does he change?" Mrs. Ohara asked

"It's started to be more noticeable even when he isn't excited, but he's more confident, and is much more self-assured about his passions." Mari said "I love seeing him that way."

"Uh Mari? Still right here you know. Mind not talking like I'm not here?" I asked. I mean it's not like she was saying anything bad, but it's still kind of embarrassing.

"Ah right. I was also curious about if you have any ideas for what exactly you want to do in the future?" Mrs. Ohara asked

"I don't know if it's something I'll be able to do in the future, but I've always wanted to be an author, and I've been given a chance at the beginning of the year to have one published. I've been working extremely hard on it and hopefully I'll be able to publish it before the end of the summer." I said

The three of us continued to talk over lunch, and I really felt like Mrs. Ohara seemed to either like me or approve of me at the least. I know that's not why she wanted to meet me, but I still want to do that at the very least. Still, I'm a little surprised that the vibe Mrs. Ohara was like what I always imagined an adult Mari to be like, but I guess it just goes to show how much like her mother Mari is.

After lunch came to an end, Mari and I got up and headed onto the deck of the ship to enjoy the sunny day. As we moved over to the railings I saw the deep blue sea around us gently rolling.

"Whoa..." I muttered to myself as I looked out. I've lived on Awashima my whole life, but never have I been on a boat so far out that land isn't visible at all.

"It looks like Mom likes you." Mari said as stood beside me

"I'm glad to hear that, I want my girlfriend's parents to like me after all." I said

"It'll especially be nice when they end up becoming your in-laws." Mari said

Despite knowing she was teasing me, I felt a warmth rise to my cheeks as I responded "When? Er, yeah I mean that would be nice then."

"Oh? Does phrasing it as when make it sound too far away? I'd be happy to marry you whenever you know." Mari said, and despite being able to usually pick up on her teasing me with her tone, it's more ambiguous today.

Not sure how to respond, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close as I said "I'd prefer if we took our time with it, not that I wouldn't love to marry you someday."

Was the right answer? Ah, it doesn't matter. Either way I'm enjoying today with Mari and getting my chance to get to know her mother too, and a day where I get to do all that is one I need to stop worrying so much about, and just enjoy these happy moments. After all, I'll never know when things will be happy and when I'll struggle, but at the very least, Mari makes me happier than anything else.

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