Chapter 16 - Treasuring Even One More Day

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One Year Later...

As I waited at the ferry for Mari, I stretched out and yawned, the spring sky overhead. With our first year of college coming to an end, Mari was going to be spending next year studying abroad. It's going to suck being apart from her for so long, but since it's going to happen, I want to spend this last day before her flight, savoring her company since I'm going to be missing out on it for so long. We're planning to do video calls, but I don't know if it'll be the same seeing her smile and hearing her laugh from the other side of a screen. Not to mention she's always been rather physical with her affection, and while I wasn't a fan of surprise hugs at first, it's gonna suck to be without them for a year.

As I looked towards the ocean, trying to get my mind off of it, I felt somebody hug me from behind out of nowhere. I started to smile as I tilted my head back and said "Hey beautiful."

"Hey Y/n, I hope I didn't keep you waiting." Mari said, letting go of me

"You kidding? I'd wait forever for you." I said

Mari began to blush slightly as she said "You know, sometimes you say some things that make my heart throb so much."

Knowing it's mostly unintentional on my part, I smiled and said "I mean hey, if you're gonna react like that I wish I did it more often. So anyways, any ideas on how we should spend the day?"

"Nothing in particular, I know that no matter what we do it's going to be such a shiny day that I thought we could just do whatever seemed fun at that moment." Mari said

I shrugged and said "Yeah alright, sounds great."

As we talked about how we'd spend the day, the ferry arrived and we boarded, headed for the mainland to do whatever came to mind like Mari suggested.


For the most part the afternoon had been fun but uneventful, us wandering around checking out shops that interest us and just enjoying each other's love and company. However, after a while we decided to go get something to eat at a local cafe that Mari likes and we've gone to on a couple of dates. As we took our seats and we gave our orders, Mari asked for a coffee and a slice of chocolate cake, while I asked for a lemonade and a fruit tart. They left to prepare our orders and the two of us were left to ourselves again.

"So how's your new novel going?" Mari asked.

"Pretty good actually, but it's been a bit tough to avoid letting any characters end up one dimensional." I said, smiling and feeling optimistic about this. After my first book was a flop I didn't expect the publishing company to let me publish another book with them again, but after I was given some time to relax after the first one, I asked and they said I'd get another shot. Since then I've been working on it, taking inspiration from a chinese novel known as Water Margin, making it a story about a revolution against a corrupt country, building an army of individuals, taking advantage of their gifts to make the world into something better.

"Really? That's awesome! I'm sure this one will be a success." Mari said

Our orders arrived and as we began to enjoy our food, Mari smile and held up a piece of her cake on her fork and said "Y/n, say ah"

I smiled at her and did as she asked and opened my mouth so she could feed me a bite of her rich and chocolatey cake.

"That's good." I said "Now how about I pay you back? Berries pair with chocolate, right?"

I raised a bit of my tart up to her and she happily opened her mouth so I could feed it to her. Truth be told I never really understood how this became a thing, but I'm not gonna complain about it.

"That's good too!" Mari said, smiling

"Hey, I was actually thinking about something. Since we've got plans to get married at some point down the line and we've been together for nearly three years, I was thinking maybe once you get back, we could find a place together." I said

"I'd love that Y/n, seeing you every morning and every night sounds great. Besides, you are my fiance so I want to spend even more time with you." Mari said.

Ever since last year after the whole mess from summer break when I said I wanted to be considered the one she'll marry, it was set up so we are arranged to get married, but before I really call myself her fiance, I want to at least make it official and give her a ring or something myself. The issue being that between school, writing, and having some time to enjoy myself I don't have the time to get a part-time job and slowly build up the cash.

"Right, I guess I am your fiance. Still, I want to wait until I can give you a ring before I really consider myself that." I said, taking a sip of my drink

"I know, but it still just makes me so happy to think about it." Mari said

I gave her a smile and placed my hand on hers from the other side of the table and said "It's the same over here, I just want to do this before I really can consider myself engaged to you."

The two of us spent the rest of our afternoon talking, enjoying each other's affection, and in all honesty, flirting. Something that I wouldn't have any other way and will miss while she's away.


The next day I went with Mari to the airport, and before Mari went to pass through to boarding Dia, Kanan, and I were giving her our well wishes before she left us for a year. According to Dia and Kanan this isn't the first time she's gone to study abroad, but when I asked how they could handle it, neither of them gave me a solid answer.

After the two of them said their farewells to Mari I headed up to share one more moment with her. "So I guess this is happening. I mean I'm looking forward to our future afterwards but I'm definitely going to miss you and those small ways you make my day better."

Mari gave me a short kiss and said "I'm gonna miss you too, but I'm looking forward to seeing you again, I'll probably be bringing you over during spring break too."

I gave her a small chuckle as I said "I love how casually you say that. Alright, I'm looking forward to it."

I gave her a hug and said "I love you Mari, you inspire me." Before she headed off to boarding, seeing her for what will be quite a while. We'll be heading out separate ways, but while she's spending her time abroad I'm going to try and make this next novel a success so that I prove to myself once and for all that my dreams can come true, because if I can really become a successful novelist, then I don't see why I wouldn't be able to have a happy future with Mari.

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