Chapter 11 - Goodtime Girl

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As I headed to the bus stop where I was meeting Mari for our date, I stretched out and felt a smile force its way onto my face as I realized that Mari was already there. With us having finally graduated from highschool, before school starts up and we head into college we'll just enjoy our break and today we're finally going for that date.

"Hey Mari, hope I didn't keep you waiting." I said

"Don't worry about it Y/n, I just got here myself." Mari said "So what do you have planned for our date?"

I gave her a smile and intertwined my fingers into hers as the bus arrived and we boarded it. "Ah right, I forgot that I haven't told you yet. Eh, I think I can keep you hanging and just leave it a surprise."

Mari pouted and said "Come on, don't tease me like that."

"Right, I forgot teasing is your job." I said jokingly "Not that I don't enjoy being teased occasionally."

"You don't, huh? I'll keep that in mind." Mari said

As the two of us bantered on the bus ride to Numazu, I couldn't help but feel happy with the idea for a date I came up with. I've always had trouble suggesting date plans since our hobbies don't align too much, with me liking to read and play video games while Mari is the athletic type, but there's one place where our tastes perfectly align. Still, Mari never really pays it any mind and just has a good time with it, surpassing my expectations and making whatever we do fun.


As we arrived at our destination, Mari saw people gathering and heading inside of a concert, and immediately knew what was going on. "I didn't know there was a metal concert going on this week."

"I was honestly having trouble coming up with something, but a friend of mine who would help me with the library sometimes told me about this, and I knew you'd love it." I said "I bought our tickets ahead of time so we can head right in too."

Mari gave me a hug as she said "Of course I'd love this date idea, I'd go anywhere with you but this is just the best."

"I'm glad to hear that, now how about we head in?" I asked

The two of us headed in, and found a spot as we waited for the concert to begin, and before long it started it up. As the band got on stage and started to play, they were seriously building up the crowd's hype, but even more the vocalist whose voice filled the hall.

As the show went on and I had a great time, just looking at Mari and seeing her have an even better time than me was somehow even better than the music. Our hobbies are pretty different and I'm way more introverted than her, but if there's one place that our tastes perfectly overlap, it's when it comes to music.,

After the concert came to an end, as we left the concert hall, Mari let out a deep breath with a content look on her face as she said "How didn't I find out about such a wonderful band until now? My heart feels like it's on fire, it won't stop pounding."

"For real, after a good concert I feel like I'm on fire as my passion goes wild." I said "I just feel so ready to keep going in whatever afterwards. And well, you know how I act when I'm hyped like this." I said "You got a good look of it right when we first really noticed each other."

Mari gave me a hug as she said "That's right, the last time we were at the same concert was when we first met. And you've started to show off that more confident side way more often."

"Really? I don't feel that different." I said

"Really? Your passion shines through so much more often lately, it's been even more obvious today." Mari said

"Huh, I guess I gotta thank you for that. I just have such a good time whenever I'm with you, and it gets me so inspired to do my best." I said "Maybe this is kinda lame, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to do as much as I try to do if it wasn't for knowing you were there for me."

Mari leaned forward and gave me a brief kiss before she said "It's not lame at all Y/n, I love how sweet my boyfriend is. Now come on, there is still plenty of time before it gets late, so let's keep going. I don't want this date to end anytime soon after all."

As I let out a small chuckle as I took a step forward towards the girl who fills me with so much passion and I want to give just as much love, and said "Of course, neither do I either after all."

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