Chapter 3 - Sunny Daze

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One Week Later...

As I finished submitting my story for the writing contest, I let out a yawn and stretched out before I remembered that Mari said she was interested in reading one of my stories.

"Oh yeah, didn't she give me a note with her number on it yesterday?" I muttered to myself, remembering my phone being dead when Mari came to visit me in the library.

I opened my school bag and grabbed the note from in it and after setting up a contact for her, I sent her a text: Hey, this is Y/n. You said you wanted to check out my writing, and I just submitted my final draft, so it's available for you to read whenever

Since it was rather late at night I expected her to be asleep so she'd be able to see it in the morning, but as I was about to put down my phone and get ready for bed myself, I saw I already got a response: That's awesome! How about you come by the Ohara Hotel tomorrow so I can check it out?

Surprised to see a response so soon, I quickly sent back: Sounds like a plan, but I honestly wasn't expecting you to respond tonight, I figured you'd be asleep.

I quickly got another response back: I would be usually, but there's some extra work as chairwoman I needed to take care of tonight.

Yeah I guess that makes sense, but still, I let out a yawn and sent one last message before I plugged my phone in and got ready for bed: Alright, just be careful to not work yourself too hard. I know how much it can suck to try and go to sleep at three in the morning

Wait, since my writing is just pdfs on my laptops and I don't have any flash drives, I guess I'm gonna have to take my laptop over.

... I doubt the stars will align to put me in that situation, but maybe I should clear my browser history just in case.


The next afternoon, as the sun shone overhead, I headed out of the house with my laptop bag resting on my shoulder, and my earbuds playing. As I got to the front of the Ohara hotel, I pulled out my phone and sent Mari a text telling her that I was there and I'd meet her in the lobby.

I headed in, and scanned the lobby, taking a look at the area around me. The place definitely looks nice, and while it doesn't seem like the place is too busy, I feel like that's because it's mid-autumn.

I took a seat on a nearby chair and kept an eye out for Mari, but after sitting there for a couple of minutes, I felt my phone start to ring, and as I looked down to see who called me, I saw that it was Mari, however, as soon as I was about to answer, I heard somebody behind me suddenly blurt out "Hey Y/n."

As I slightly jumped from having been more focused on my phone, I heard a short giggle as I turned to see Mari behind me. I guess she called me to distract me for a moment. I gave her a smile and said "Hey Mari, how're you doing today?"

Mari gave me a smile and said "I'm still a little tired from last night, but I'm glad to see you came by. Follow me."

I got up from where I had been sitting and she guided me to the elevator, and after she input where we were heading, I said "I ended up just bringing my laptop altogether since I don't have any flash drives."

"That's fine. So what kind of story did you end up writing?" Mari asked

"Since I'm at least somewhat aware of where I have issues, I tried to avoid them for this writing contest and went with a murder mystery story." I said "I'm gonna not go into too much detail now though."

"Oh really? Well I'm interested to see what you did." Mari said

As the elevator stopped, she guided me through the halls to one of the suites. As we stepped in I saw that on the central table was a plate of various sweets.

As we headed in, Mari said "Alright, here in my room we can just enjoy ourselves."

"Uh right." I said. Mari really brought me to her room? Why?

Mari must have noticed my nervousness and giggled before in a teasing tone she said "Are you a bit nervous to be in my room? Well I suppose I should be too, after all this is the first time I've had a boy in my room."

I tried to distract myself by pulling out my laptop and pulling up my story as I said "Mari, please don't tease me right now, I'm already nervous to have somebody I know personally reading something I've written."

"Oh? How come?" Mari asked

"I just kind of find it embarrassing to have somebody I know see something I put so much effort and work into, and it's especially worrying thinking about the fact that they might not like it after all that" I said

"Come on, even if that was the case that just means you need to keep practicing, right?" Mari said

"True enough." I said

Mari guided me to two chairs off to the side and she said "It worked out really well that you were ready for me to read your story today since I was looking for somebody to give their thoughts on some new desserts the hotel restaurant is hoping to add, so that just means the two of us can enjoy some delicious sweets while I get to experience your story."

"Oh really? Yeah, I guess things did work out pretty nice then." I said

We each selected something to try as we sat down and I placed my laptop on her lap with my story open. The two of us ended up a bit more quiet as she read, her scrolling down occasionally. Still a bit nervous, I didn't really have too much I could do besides eat the tart I was given and watch how Mari's expressions changed. I don't when she's reading which part, but I can kind of guess based on how her expression changed. At one point I saw her expression change to a smirk, which I hoped meant that she was at the part where they were finally confronting the culprit.

Not too long later, Mari closed the laptop and looked up at me with a smile before she said "That was fantastic Y/n. I didn't expect the culprit to be who they were, but looking back it makes sense, not to mention you made it so satisfying to have them finally corner him. And best of all I could really see how much of your shiny, burning passion you put into writing this."

"I'm so glad to hear that you liked it. I've been worrying about whether or not I hid the clues in a good way." I said, feeling myself breathe a bit easier.

"You'll have to tell me when you finish your next story Y/n." Mari said

"Sure, I can do that. I kind of just write whatever genre I want to at the time, so I can't promise consistent quality." I said "But I'd probably only show you the stories I'm happy with anyways."

"Is there any genre you're particularly bad at?" Mari asked

"Well for one I'm not great with action since I tend to over explain the movements. But I'm also not great at-" I said, cutting myself off.

"Not great at what?" Mari asked

After pausing for a moment I took a deep breath and said "I'm not great at romance stuff. I don't really write that much because of that." Maybe I'm just imagining things, but it feels a little embarrassing to talk about writing romance stories to a girl.

"I see." Mari said, thankfully stopping that topic there

In the end I spent a while longer with Mari talking about my writing as well as subjects like our favorite bands, before I decided to head home after thanking her for giving me such a fun way to pass part of my weekend. In the end, showing off my writing and talking about what I'm passionate about felt really nice, and I might have to bear a little more of my heart to her soon.


A/n: You know, as I'm about to publish I've realized that while I don't really do conversations over text too often, it'd probably wouldn't drag on quite as much when I did do them if I started use a fake text generator thing. I may have to look into that in the future

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