Interlude - An Evening Discussion

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Mari's Perspective

That evening as I had dinner with my mom, we were having a great time catching up after having not been able to see each other in person for a while. Eventually though, she let out a sigh and said "Now I see why you didn't want to meet Shiryu, twenty minutes after he arrived without you being there, he went from seeming polite and mature to treating any part of the staff that ended up horribly."

"If I had known you were going to try and set me up with him with any time to actually change things I would have told you." I said, making a note to apologize to the people he harassed tomorrow.

"Right, I probably should have given you more of a heads up next time." she said

"Actually Mom, would you please stop trying to arrange a marriage for me? You see, there is someone I'm interested in." I said. I've asked her to stop trying to set me up with someone in the past, but maybe the fact I'm interested in Y/n will help get her agree to stop.

Mom looked at me with surprise and said "You are? What are they like?"

I felt my cheeks raise as I thought of him and said "Typically he's quiet, kind of shy, and has trouble being confident, but when he gets excited, he seems so much more passionate and open. And while I really like seeing his excited side, I really do love to spend time with him how he normally is too. He's just really interesting and fun to me." Not to mention he looks handsome, and that he looks so cute when he's embarrassed.

Mom had been looking at me as I explained what he was like, and she started to smile more as I finished "It looks like you really do like him. Alright, if you're interested in him, I won't bother trying to find you a partner. Just set up a chance for me to meet him if you two end up dating. I'm even more curious about the boy you love now that I know a little about him."

As we continued to talk over dinner, I ended up telling Mom more about Y/n and how he's really caught my interest. For now I'll wait for him to come tell me himself, but if he takes too long, I might try and make a move myself.


A/n: Yet another tiny interlude, I know they don't have the most meat to them, but I kinda enjoy making them. They help fill things in a little and allow me to add some extra details I either hadn't come up with when they'd work into a chapter or don't fit into a set chapter, plus it means I send more content you folks way. The only issue is that I have trouble writing in the perspective of the girls just because of troubles getting into that kind of headspace, but I know that the more I write the better I'm going to get at doing just that.

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