Chapter 7 - A Starlit Evening

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I let out a wistful sigh as I got to work on the last of my librarian duties for the day, looking forward to this evening when me and Mari are gonna go out for dinner for our first date. After this I should probably quickly head home after I'm done here so I can make sure I look good enough to stand beside her, but first I gotta shelf the new arrivals.

As I worked I heard the library door open behind me, and I turned my head to see who it was "Oh hey Hanamaru, what's up?" With how often she comes by the library it's not really a surprise I ended up on a first name basis with the girl.

"Sorry to come by right before you close, zura. I just heard you got some new books in today and I finally have the chance to see what arrived." Hanamaru said

I gave her a smile and said "I was actually about to start to put them away, but if you wanna check any out, feel free. It'll make my job easier anyway."

Hanamaru nodded and started to look through the new books, and I got up to take care of the returns quickly when I saw that a certain beautiful blonde was entering the library, and a large smile grew on my face.

"Hey there Mari, I thought we were meeting up in front of the Ohara Hotel later." I said

Mari walked over to me and said "We were, but I'd rather meet up with you now."

"I'd never gonna complain about that" I said "But I have a little bit of work to take care of before we go."

"Wait, I didn't know you two were like that." Hanamaru said. I'd been so taken when Mari came in that I forgot she was here for a minute

"That's right, me and Y/n are in a relationship." Mari excitedly said to her

"I see, I'm happy for you two." Hanamaru said "So I can get out of the way of you two, I think I've found what I'd like to check out."

I headed to check her out and found that she had picked up a large pile of new arrivals... how much does this girl read?

After I checked her out and she headed out, I got to work quickly putting away the rest of the new arrivals so I didn't leave Mari waiting for too long. After darting around the library to get everything taken care of, I headed back to grab some more books I needed to put away only to find Mari not there and a stack missing. Figuring she was helping get this finished up, I grabbed a stack and headed back to the shelves.

After a short while I headed back to the front where I found Mari standing in front of where the new books had been.

"Thanks for that." I said

"It's nothing, I couldn't just watch you work so quickly and not help you out." Mari said

The two of us then headed out of the school together and headed back to Awashima together, but rather than splitting up to change out of our school uniforms like we had planned, Mari took a hold of my wrist and led me into the Ohara Hotel.

"Come on, I have an idea of how to make our first date even more special" She said

My mind raced trying to figure out what she had in mind as we got to the elevator and Mari hid what button she pressed until we arrived at the roof of a building, a helicopter being the first thing visible when we get there, and that's when I realized what was going on.

"Mari, I thought we were just going out for dinner." I said

"We are, I just thought I could make our first date more special, and so I set everything up for this." Mari said

I felt my shoulders slack as I relaxed a little and said "If you've got it all set up, I'm certainly not going to make it go to waste, but tell me ahead of time, won't you?"

"And ruin the surprise?" Mari jokingly added

We boarded the helicopter, and after a moment it was in the air. As I entered the air I was blown away by the view underneath us, our normal lives seeming so small in that moment.

"This view is insane..." I said as I looked out

"Isn't it? I love this view up here." Mari said

As I realized we were heading pretty far I asked "Wait, where are we going?"

"We're almost to where we're landing in Tokyo." Mari said

Eventually we landed on a landing pad in Tokyo which as we flew closer I realized it was on top of a Ohara Hotel location here, the night sky making the sign harder to read. I looked around, blown away by the fact any of this was happening.

"Alright, now follow me." Mari said in a happy tone.

Like she asked, I followed her into the hotel and into one of the penthouse suites where Mari pulled out a suit for me to change into. She headed into the bathroom to change and I headed to somewhere that I didn't need to worry about her accidentally walking out to the sight of me with my pants down.

It didn't take me too long to change however, and as I waited for Mari, I sat down in an armchair while I waited for her.

As I sat there I thought about how this really wasn't what I was expecting our first to be like, it feels grander than what I imagined by far, but I trust Mari has this already planned out, so I'll just try to follow her lead and just appreciate the experience. Now though I'm just wondering what Mari is going to change into. I mean if I need to wear a suit, I'm curious about what she'll wear.

As I sat there wondering about that, I didn't notice Mari had come out until she was right in front of me, after which I felt my breath being taken away. Mari was in a dark purple dress, with violet accents, and her hair done up.

"So? What do you think?" Mari asked, twisting her torso slightly to allow me to see other parts of her dress

"I think you look gorgeous." I said

Mari giggled and said "I'm so happy, that's exactly the kind of answer I was hoping for."

I got up and said "Well it's completely true, now since we're in these outfits now, let's head out for dinner."

"Of course, and I'm looking forward to being escorted to our reservation by my handsome looking boyfriend." Mari said, wrapping her arm around mine.

"It'd be my pleasure." I said, smiling as I looked at my beautiful girlfriend, who was so close to me.


After a delicious dinner at a restaurant that was way too fancy for my middle class heart, as we headed back home on her helicopter, Mari said with a smile "See, this was way more special than just going out for dinner."

"That's definitely true, I didn't expect any of this but I really loved all of it. Spending this time with you most of all." I said, smiling at the gorgeous blonde beside me, and realizing that for who knows how long now, my soul has felt like it was aflame with a burning passion.

"I feel the same way Y/n." Mari said

As I stared into her gorgeous eyes which the stars reflected in, I said "Mari, in the time I've known you you've always been so amazing. You always seem to stretch and surpass the limits to make things so much brighter and more colorful than they already were, and in the end, it's one of the main reasons I fell in love with you."

"Oh Y/n, I love you too." Mari said before she leaned forward and gave me a kiss, and unlike our first kiss which I barely realized what was happening until the end, I was able to enjoy this one to the fullest, in my arms the one I hold most dear.


A/n: I wanted to try and make a chapter more focused on the events surrounding the date rather than the date itself, and I certainly like to think that it turned out pretty good. Y/n talking about Mari surpassing limits is legit one of the things that I love about her, her passion and effort break the boundaries that hold Aquors back, and I hope I'll be able to show that idea in some way in this fic.

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