Chapter 20 - Having Found the One

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Six Months Later...

As I sat in a silent chapel, waiting for guests to arrive, and for the ceremony to begin, I let out a deep sigh. My nerves are starting to get to me some I guess, but more than anything, I'm excited for today to be the day that I get married to Mari.

You know, when there was a chapel built into the Ohara Resort on Awashima, not too long after we had started dating, Mari had teased me about us getting married there someday. At the time, it just felt like her typical way of messing with me, since she's always loved to see my reaction, thinking they were cute, but now I like to think that it was just as much that she wanted this day to someday come.

Not to say that I didn't hope for the best and that we'd end up together for the rest of our lives myself. I've loved Mari for so long now, and it's only gotten stronger, but I never thought that I'd be good enough to get this far.
Still, now that I'm getting the chance to spend the rest of my life with Mari, I want to make the most of it.

Feeling my nerves calmed the cocktail of joy and other emotions flowing through me, I got up from where I was sitting and moved to stand at the altar, ready for the best to come. As I stood at the altar, I saw our guests trickle in, some of them I recognized and talked to a little, and others that I didn't, who I guess are friends Mari has made over the years.

Once all the guests had arrived, after a last bit of support from my best man, the ceremony began, and as the organ began to play, I ended up subconsciously holding my breath as the entrance to the room opened, and a second later I saw Mari enter the room in her wedding dress, being walked down the aisle by her father, and with a bouquet in her arms. She's drop dead gorgeous as always, but right now, as the bride, she looks even more stunning than usual. I'm really about to marry the woman of my dreams, aren't I? This had all seemed almost like a dream this entire time, but seeing Mari walking down the aisle in her wedding dress has really made it sink in just how amazing this moment is.

As Mari reached the altar and stood in front of me, her yellow eyes shined with such brilliant warmth, and with no words in that moment, our hearts were connected. We're about to get married and vow our eternal love to each other, and I've never been more ready for anything in my entire life.

After a moment, the officiant began to speak and said "Today we are gathered here today to join Y/n L/n and Mari Ohara in holy matrimony. We will now begin" He said before he looked to Mari and said "Mari Ohara, do you take this man to be your husband, to love through good times and bad, through sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Mari answered softly, her happiness so noticeable in her voice at that moment.

He then turned to face me and said "And you Y/n L/n, do you take this woman to be your wife, to love through good times and bad, through sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?"

As I looked to the woman who inspired me to grow into a better man, I said with complete certainty "I do."

The officiant then looked to both of us as he said "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now seal your vows with a kiss."

We took a step forward, and entwined our fingers together before we leaned forward, kissing and sharing a moment that I almost wished could never end. It's finally happened, we're finally married!

When our lips parted, both of us smiling, I slid the wedding ring onto her finger before she tossed the bouquet out to the crowd of people, it being caught by a girl with black hair and red eyes.

From that moment on, as we were congratulated by our loved ones, we walked down the aisle together, and I felt so much happiness in knowing that the one who is my greatest treasure is now my wife.


At the reception, as we celebrated our marriage with all of our loved ones, Dia and Kanan came up to the two of us, smiling at us.

"Congratulations you two. I hope you two are going to have a happy life together." Dia said

"Thanks Dia." I responded

"And Y/n, we've known her since we were kids, so we're here if you ever need some help figuring out if she's hiding something." Kanan said

Mari hugged my arm as she said "I don't think he's gonna need any help with that, whenever I try to hide my stress or anything, he always picks up on it so quickly."

Kanan let out a small laugh before she said "I'm glad to hear that. It just goes to show how good you two are together. So have you two decided on where you'll be going for your honeymoon?"

"We have. Mari and I decided to spend a week in Italy." I said. Truth be told, before I met her I never expected to have the chance to go there, but Mari has always surpassed what I had assumed was reality, and I seriously love it, even if she has gone too far in the past.

"Italy? Reminds me of our trip together back at the end of highschool." Dia said, smiling

The two of them talked to us for a bit longer before they left, leaving the two of us alone for the minute. Knowing that this was probably going to be one of our few moments alone this evening, I gently squeezed her hand as I said "I'm so glad I got to meet you, and fall in love with you. You've changed me for the better, and everyday it feels like I love you that little bit."

Mari gave me a kiss and said "I love you too Y/n, whenever I'm stressed or something is causing me trouble, it makes me so happy to know you're by my side, ready to help me if I need it. But to be honest, when I think of you waiting for me, it just makes me want to finish up all the sooner so we can spend some time together."

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close as we spent that moment together, looking forward to the bright and shining future ahead of us.


A/n: I know this is where my fics usually end, but like my other 20+ chapter fics, I do plan to have this go for a bit longer, with three chapters left after this. Honestly that's partially because I write these longer fics for my favorites, and I don't want their stories to end quite yet. Since Mari is probably my overall second favorite in the series that's definitely true, but it will admittedly have come to an end soon, I just hope you'll stick around until then

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