Chapter Five | The Importance of Language

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Daisy's POV

After the encounter with Waluigi, Daisy set off in the direction of the setting sun, she finally came across something noteworthy when the sun was completely gone. She stood crouched down looking up at the ominous building. The ancient stone bricks laughed at her, as if telling her she wasn't brave or strong enough to overcome this and save her only new friend. Although, after running into danger to save him, she was thinking maybe he could be more than a friend, she had constantly been thinking about him since they had met three days ago.

The triangular roof pointed to a decaying sign which read Twisted Mansion. That was true. This whole area seemed twisted and nerve-racking. Half-shattered, the standing windows were mouldy and grey showing nothing of the inside of the mansion. Just before the front door, was a damaged lantern which somehow still shone slightly, revealing something she hoped to not see.

The lantern showed a green cap with an L above the visor. Luigi's cap, his only distinguishing feature. Although she hadn't seen him wear it, she had been shown a picture of Mario and Luigi after they saved Princess Peach and they had been wearing matching outfits of red and green.

Daisy finally emerged from where she sat and charged up to the ground floors broken window. Smoothly, she jumped the windowsill and rolled onto the ground, worried of ghosts being about, she had read in the newspaper of increasing amounts of ghosts in and around Sarasaland, but no one did anything to stop it. Especially her father, he had strong opinions about ghosts, Boo's specifically.

The inside of the mansion was dark and eerie, the hallways were long and narrow, which was not good for her claustrophobia. There were long red rugs covering the dark wooden flooring, which made every hallway identical, the only things different were the placements of the lighting, which were sometimes wall lights and sometimes ceiling lights.

Brushing herself off, she did a scan of the corridor, seeing there were two ways she could go, up the stairs or further down the seemingly never-ending corridor. Easy decision. She clambered up the stairs two at a time, looking upon where to go next.

A laugh echoed through the hallway, bouncing from wall to wall and hitting Daisy in the face. She spun to located where the sound came from and ran left from the top of the almost vertical stairs. She sprinted on the tips of her toes, barley feeling the ground beneath her when she heard another noise to suggest where he would be. She felt in her soul that Luigi was in this building, and she had to find him because... she loved him! The revelation seemed to hit her like a ton of bricks, however it seemed obvious when she thought about it for a little longer.

"Ha-Ha! Luigi! I must shout for you to hear me! Mario isn't going to save you this time! I win you. You are my prize, Luigi! I won fair and square!" A Boo yelled, Daisy couldn't tell who as she didn't have must experience in haunted mansions, but who does? She had no idea what the Boo was talking about, but she did hear Luigi's name, which was all she needed for her to power through despite her legs beginning to cramp up. She finally reached a large double door at the end of the hallway, putting her ear against the door since tried to listen to what was going on.

"You'd better stay put, my Weegie. Not that you can go anywhere!" He laughed when Daisy noticed a small crack in the door and peeped through, squinting slightly. She saw a man with white hair and stubble wearing a clean white suit and red tie. He must be the ghost who took Luigi! He wore thin circular glasses, which sat on the end of his nose while he read the newspaper with his legs crossed flamboyantly.

She decided that she would be able to sneak in without him noticing as he was focussed on the newspaper. She only hoped the door wouldn't creak. Highly unlikely. She would take the risk anyway.

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