Chapter Six | The Wedding

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Luigi's POV

The two of them sat on the floor in the mansion, looking at one another. She loved me! He thought happily, this was not how he expected this trip to go. What if she only said that to escape King Boo? He wondered nervously, making his upper lip twitch slightly.

"Itching for another kiss, Luigi?" She teased, "Hey, I have a question."

Luigi gulped but nodded in acceptance, "Okay." He elongated the 'ay' sound.

"When did you realise you loved me? It's all so weird, I mean we've known each other for two days." She asked, icy eyes curious. Luigi cleared his throat before answering, he had to get this answer correct. He had discovered from Mario that women were confusing and if you said the wrong thing they would get upset easily, that was only according to his brother, Luigi wasn't all too good at speaking to women.

"Well- When I stepped off the plane and saw you, I immediately thought you were beautiful. But when you winked at me. I melted inwardly if you couldn't tell..." He trailed off, wondering if he should say more. He decided upon reaching his gloved hand to clasp hers.

Luckily, he had said the right thing, she smiled wildly.

"I didn't wink for your benefit; it was to annoy my father. He wanted me to curtsey!" She said, sounding irritated. Luigi chuckled,

"I thought it was a huge statement against sexism!"

"...That too, I guess!" They both laughed loudly, before realising they were still in a haunted mansion. She slowly wriggled her hand out of his and stood up, brushing herself off. She looked around the room, looking for something to defend them. Daisy ran over to the window and looked down, not seeing much through the grime. She picked up an old wooden chair and hit the window with it.

The ancient looking chair snapped in half under the pressure. Daisy fell backwards to the unprecedented force of the chair and looked confused, before looking at Luigi with a chair leg in her grasp. Angrily, she threw the chair leg down on the floor, making it snap again. She was strong. He thought, admirably

Luigi finally stood up, feeling slightly dizzy he stumbled but caught himself, he tried to pretend like it didn't happen, but Daisy noticed.

After scanning the room, Daisy found a heavy book, that wouldn't snap under pressure, right?

She held the book tightly in one hand and swung her shoulder forwards. Smashing loudly, the window seemed to disintegrate, in response Daisy ducked and covered her head.

Daisy looked at Luigi and he held a thumbs up. They could leave...together!

Carefully, Daisy hopped the windowsill first and balanced precariously on the edge. Since they were on the second floor the ground was about 11 feet away, but Daisy could easily safety roll about half of that height.

Before jumping, Daisy showed Luigi how to safety roll as that would be the only way they would land without injuring themselves.

"Watch me go first, Luigi." She said politely.

She lowered herself off the windowsill with her elbows then let go, as she flew, she seemed exhilarated as if the adventure was made for her. About three quarters of the way down she spun in the air and landed on all fours then rolled dramatically but safely, of course.

As she stood up and dusted herself off, she presented a thumbs up to Luigi to show that she was fine, therefore he would be fine. Right?

Shaking, he climbed awkwardly over the remaining window ledge and looked down. It was daunting looking down, he was slightly scared of heights... well, very scared of heights.

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