Chapter Nine | If Things Were Different

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Daisy's POV

"Huh?" Daisy was above shocked, "and why ever not?" she teased. He shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably, not realising she was joking.

"Well, you see. I don't... like women, you know?" He muttered, not knowing how she would react. Daisy practically burst out laughing.

"Well, I do!" Prince Abel immediately got his confidence back:

"We're not the best match made by the royals, are we?" He joined in laughing.

"They wouldn't have been too far off. I'm bisexual and have a boyfriend..." She admitted, adding to the joke. Prince Abel smiled, "Ooh, is he cute?"

They both continued laughing.

"We need to figure a way out of this mess!" Daisy decided, looking up at him, he wasn't too much taller than Daisy, but it was noticeable. He lifted his chin as if looking into his mind for an answer, it was safe to say it didn't work. Daisy tried hard to think of a way out of this mess, she wondered how her father would react to straight up telling him she had a boyfriend, who she really loved, surely, he would be happy that she could find love despite what happened last time. No, that wouldn't work. He would flip out. Would Abel be open to telling his parents he's gay? She considered how he reacted to her asking why he wouldn't marry her; he was shy and worried for her reaction. Daisy quickly ruled that out and tried to think of another way out.

"We could pretend we're happy with the arrangement while we think of something?" Abel suggested weakly but it made sense.

"Yeah, that's our only option." Daisy finalised, before being interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Prince Abel? Are you in there? It's time for dinner with your parents." A croaky, formal voice echoed from the other side, making Daisy gulp with fear. Her family weren't usually so formal – well, Daisy wasn't, Masud only put on the formal act to appear authoritative. Abel looked down at Daisy with sympathetic eyes,

"My Dad's going to be quite... I don't know." Abel began, looking lost.

"Don't worry. I got you – mine's the same." She followed this with her iconic, over dramatic wink, before dragging the door open. Despite grinning at the wink, Abel gulped, clearly worried about what was going to happen.

The two walked to the other end of the castle in silence, it took a while, in Daisy's opinion. The castle was large and luxurious, with minimal decorative items beside from the red lace curtains and crystal tiebacks. Each drawn out hallway looked the same with infinite, smooth maroon rugs, which had stringy tassels every few inches. The only thing on the walls were golden edged mirrors and minimalistic paintings with nothing more than a few lines and grey shapes. It made Daisy wonder how someone could live here, especially a child growing up in such a boring house. Eventually, they reached an enormous, textured ochre door, which opened ceremoniously the moment they reached them. This is what Abel meant about his father – over dramatic and forceful of this marriage, that would obviously not go ahead.

"Welcome, my son. Welcome, Empress Daisy Asaras. It really is a pleasure to have you." The King said, Daisy decided she would have to put on her royal voice and suck up to her 'future father-in-law'. They stepped forward into the dining hall in unison and Abel guided her to the correct seat, beside him and as far away from the King as they could manage, without it being suspicious. Once she got settled, she replied,

"It's a pleasure to be here, King Victor. And your home is lovely." She was going to thank him for having her but decided not to go too overboard with the politeness.

"Thank you, Empress, you're ever so kind." The King replied, giving the eye to Abel to say something however, before he had to chance a waiter began brining plates upon plates of dinner. Each shiny plate was towered high with all sorts of food, multiple plates were occupied with an array of food she had never even seen before, she felt way above her head, but didn't let it get to her – she could act formal for half a day.

In front of her was a plate with a steak, a pile of variously baked potatoes and an interesting selection of different vegetables. Looking at the multiple types of cutleries, she casted her mind back to the few etiquette classes she went to. Dinner fork in the middle of the three forks. Dinner knife directly right of the plate. She let out a sigh of relief as she figured it out. Thank God!

Without saying another word, the three of them dug into their meals, making Daisy happy she didn't have to make any pointless conversations about the weather or upcoming events.

"Empress Daisy – how is the Emperor and Empress? I have not spoken to your father since the arrangement." The King stated, grinning widely. Daisy cleared her throat before beginning.

"They are both fine, thank you for asking. My father is upbeat about this arrangement." She labelled the marriage in the same way he did, 'arrangement'. It sounded like a business deal, not a marriage!

"Perfect. I knew he would be. And I knew you two would be." The King quickly got back to his meal and Daisy and Abel exchanged a look of disagreement, almost making Daisy burst out in a fit of laughter.

They finished their meals quietly, with only the scratching of forks and knifes against the plates which made Daisy slowly go insane with a shudder. She gulped manically and dropped her fork loudly, making the other two men look up in distress.

"Empress Daisy? Are you alright?" The King asked, worry edging his tone. She was about to snap, but inhaled instead, squeezing her eyes tightly. The lights were too bright. The noises to loud. She couldn't take it.

"Yes. Yes, may someone show me to the bathroom?" She softly pleaded. The King looked minorly confused but nodded to one of the waiter-men. Daisy placed her knife and fork beside each other gently, showing she had not finished her meal. Etiquette class.

Daisy walked swiftly beside the waiter, her, now dry but crumpled, dress flowing beside her graciously. Politely, the man opened the bathroom door for her, and Daisy thanked him, despite then slamming the door a little more aggressively than she intended and locking it finally. She grasped the edges of the sink and looked down into it. The shiny crystal glimmered back at her making her shut her eyes to block out the brightness.

Eventually, she lifted her head and opened her eyes, looking at herself through the mirror. Why am I like this? Staring deep into her sapphire eyes, she felt her eyes prick with salt. No, this isn't the time. Stop it! She didn't stop staring; however, she gave herself a pitiful look. Stop. I want to go home. I want Luigi.

The thought was intruded by a knocking on the door:

"Daisy? Are you alright?" Abel asked. Daisy didn't reply, she didn't feel like talking. Instead, she unlocked the door but didn't open it. The prince cautiously opened the door and found her leaning on the sink, eyes red and damp.

" you want a hug?" He suggested, unknowing of what to do. Pathetically, she nodded and brought her weak arms from the sink onto the tall boy. Somehow, he understood what was going on and held her soothingly bringing his hand up and down her back, which helped steady her breathing.

Daisy let go first and looked into his deep eyes, "Thank you, Abel."

"No problem, sugar." Abel said, using a term of endearment which made her smile.

"Honestly, you're really kind. If things were different, I wouldn't be so opposed at the thought of marrying you." She told him, thoughtfully, letting her mind wander slightly at the thought of things being different. Truly, if things were different, her first girlfriend and first love wouldn't be dead, but there were some things that couldn't be changed in life, and Daisy, despite being in a very difficult situation, had begun accepting that this is how things are. However, she could change the course of her future, her father wouldn't be able to control her forever. Eventually, she'd be happy, with her friends and her Luigi.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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