chapter 3

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"yo Alyssa I'ma head home it's getting late and I don't feel like getting kidnapped maybe later tho"

"Gotchu don't get run over then"

"No promises"

when you walked through the doors you were met with hugs from your siblings.

"Hey what's up? How was your day? Did you eat yet?"

"Yep! Auntie fed us and lookie we made a new friend!"

"Aw that's fun what's their name?"

"Kelly! She's super nice!"

"Yay we love making new friends don't we?"


"Sissy can you kiss my boo-boo better? I fell during recess"

"Aw of course are you feeling better? Where did you fall?"

You looked down to where she was pointing and she had a scrap on her knee, so you bent down to kiss it better for her


"that's good"

You ruffled her hair before she ran off to play with her toys but Liam was still standing next to you

"Liam what's wrong?"

He pointed to his head and locked eyes with you

"Haha do you want me to ruffle your hair too?"

He nodded at you and mimicked the hand motion you did with Risa

This made you laugh at how cute he was before you ruffled his hair and started your way up to your room. You didn't notice that Liam was following you until you got to your room.

"Hey Liam. You wanna chill with me?"


He hopped onto your bed and made your stuffed animals fight each other

One new message from Alyssa💞💞

Alyssa: ok so the guys from the server might've found your user so beware of the spam

You: oh no I'm scared

Alyssa: yeah I didn't know they would actually try and find you

You: its alright I'ma do my homework now byebye bae

Alyssa: bye

And almost instantly your phone blew up with notifications. You looked down and there it was, someone name pisshairatsumu was @ing your user. Since you were bored out of your mind right now you decided to answer

Bitches with not bitches🚪👈🚶
(It's on discord so you user name will pop up but it's still your pov)

Pisshairatsumu: @y/n:)

Semisemi: @y/n:)

y/n:) : what


y/n:) : yuh


alyyyssssaaaaaa: Y/N NOOOOOO

y/n:) : srry Alyssa but I was bored😞

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