chapter 17

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The first day of the tournament finished and you were sitting outside the courts packing your things up. Timothy walked over to you and sat down, he was talking to someone so you assumed it was Atsumu. He's always talking to him, don't blame him though Atsumu is one interesting person



"I'm tired."

"You're always tired"

"True, is that Atsumu on the phone?"

"Wrong it's suna wuna"

"Excuse me"

"You're excused"

Alyssa was still doing something and Layla didn't want anyone going back yet, so the entire team was stuck on the courts, you rested your head on Timothy's shoulder before grabbing your phone.

"Ew you're sweaty"

"Whatever" you slowly lifted your head off before his hand pushed your head back onto his shoulder

"Wowww y/n didn't know you were a cheater"

"Well now you know"

"Omg! Hiiiii y/nnnnn!!"


"Who are you?"

"I'm remi!!! You don't remember!! That's makes me so sad" she pouted her lips before looking back at the camera


"Aweee don't be like that!!!"

"Suna that doesn't even look like your school where y'all at?"

"Somewhere for a tournament"

You glanced at the phone and saw remi completely flabbergasted that she got ignored. You scoffed at her face before turning your head back around





"where the fuck did this energy come from?"

"Your mom"

"Okay but like you looked like you were about to die"

"Just cause I said hi doesn't mean I don't wanna die"

"Hmmm okkkk"



"one hell of a good question"

"Atsumu you're kinda dumb"

"He knows"


"Rin why are you so mean"

"I'll answer if you get into the camera view"

"No I don't need a answer that badly"

"She said she looks like shit"

"I do"

"I can confirm she's sweaty too"

"It's ok y/n we're sweaty too"

You were playing around with a bracelet that someone gave you today. Who was it? Who knows it was some random 1st year.

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