chapter 14🍿

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You, Alyssa, Timothy and bokuto went downstairs to hook up Mario Cart waiting for the others to show up. No one wanted to hook it up so you played rock paper scissors deciding it was the most fair way to decide things and it is

Timothy was the one who ended up losing and had to hook everything up while you, Alyssa and bokuto were talking about different things


"that's what she said"

He turned around and looked at you in shock

"How dare you make a joke while I'm in pain"

"It's not that hard you lost so deal with it"

He turned back around and went back to trying to figure out how to plug everything in to make it work

You continued talking to your friends before the doorbell rang and went up to open it leaving the others in the living room



"What are y'all doing"

"Timothy is trying to hook up Mario Cart. He can't do it what a loser"

They followed you into the living room seeing bokuto and Alyssa chilling and talking while Timothy looked like he was on the verge of tears

"Y'all can we just go out of something I'm going to cry at this point"

"Awe you're such a baby but fine since I'm so nice we can do that"

"Mhm I'm down"

"Sure why not"

"But where would we go"

"Suna asking the real questions here"

"I dunno where do y'all wanna go"

"What's even open at 9pm"

"One hell of a good question"

"Let's get dinner I'm starving"

They all nodded in agreement and started making their way out. You all decided to walk since it would be easier than trying to find parking at places plus everything was super close to where you lived

~timeskip cuz I don't wanna write a dinner cuz that's boring👎~

"I'm stuffed what now"

"Let's run around the city"

"Wait Alyssa that's kinda sounds fun I guess you're kinda smart"

"Says that again I dare you"

Alyssa started chasing Timothy down the streets making everyone else have to run to catch up with them both. The streets were pretty empty but the occasional teenagers who also decided to do things at 9pm with their friend's other than that the streets were completely empty



everyone finally caught up to the two of them when Alyssa finally caught Timothy .

"Let's go get snacks"

"We just ate"

"Okay and??"

"Yea let's get snacks"

"Alyssa you are a snack" you did the fuck boy face which earned you a slap across the face by suna

Hot Mess💫- Suna Rintaro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now