Chapter 21

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Y/n died and suna didn't care and moved on. The end

3rd person pov

The hospital doors opened wide to her command, y/n the wind conqueror commanded the wind to open the door and as failed

Sighing she walked into the hospital the traditional way not making a grand entrance.

Walking up to the front desk she was met with a young lady well she looked young despite some wrinkles.

"Hello" y/n was taken aback by how deep her voice was. What was she expecting? Who knows but she does know that she wasn't expecting that

"Ah- er hi?"

"Do you need something"

"Oh yeah you're right, is Melinda L/n here?"

"Up in room 234 second floor"


Y/n hated hospitals.She spent most of her childhood in one. She was born with a illness that was hard to cure but doctors slowed it down. She never got to play with kids her age as she was always kept inside. Y/ns parents were scared to let her outside never knowing what could make the illness go haywire.

Y/n did start getting better and started on sports and was able to finally join a regular school.

1st Person pov

You made it up to the room, slightly scared of what laid behind the door but despite being scared you opened it and took a peak.

Relieved when you heard your grandmother talking to your parents.

"Hey mom, hey dad" taking a seat next to your mom

"Awe y/n dear you didn't have to come"

"No it's alright I wasn't doing anything"

"You weren't with that Rin boy?"

"Ah I was but it's fine, we can always hangout later"

"If you say so dear"

"What happened?"

"Ah she was walking down the stairs and one of your cousins left their toy on a step. She didn't see it so she slipped down the stairs"

You made a o shape with your mouth not knowing what else to say

"She'll be discharged in a week or so"

"That's good"

You took your time to talk to your grandmother, apparently a few hours passed by and you didn't even notice. It was getting late and your phone was binging with notifications.

You grandmother was starting to get tired, you turned the lights off and stepped out of the room. You said goodbye to your parents and some aunts.

You finally made it back to your car. Taking a seat you rested your head on the wheel taking a breath. Nothing could explain how grateful you were after seeing she was fine.

Grabbing your phone, you finally decided to check all your notifications

Bitches with no bitches 🚪👈🚶

pisshairedatsumu: has anyone heard from y/n?

alyyyyysssssaaaa: hmmmmmmm ima go to her house brb

semi semi: y'all when can we go on the trip I wanna see y/n this isn't fair

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