Chapter 24🙈

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You felt a lot better this morning, the first day nervousness wasn't completely gone but you could talk to others.

You woke up a lot earlier than usual, usually you would be the type to lay in bed until you felt like getting up but today was odd cause you woke up early and actually got out of bed.

After your morning routine, you went out to the main area still in your pjs, to your surprise some were already up and about playing games and just chatting.

You went to the kitchen to make some tea since it was pretty cold this morning, to see a very and you mean very pretty girl.

"Oh good morning~"

"Oh uh good morning" you gave her a soft smile and started making some tea

"Ah im making some tea, would you like some?"

"No im good thanks though. Ah I don't think we've met before, im Shimizu"

"Ah nice to meet you Shimizu, I'm y/n"

Some idle talk going on while you waited for the tea to finish, some were waking up from the sweet aroma of coffee

You took a seat at the counter talking to the other girls in the kitchen, who were standing or sitting around. All of you got along pretty well.

While the others started to get up, some of the girls started on making breakfast. You still say around creating some idle talk until it started to get busy in the kitchen that made you stop talking and admire how they all worked so well together.

You turned when someone turned in the tv and started flipping through the channels. It was around 10:30am and that's when the house was now very lively, almost everyone was awake. Some getting breakfast while others who already ate were laughing and enjoying themselves.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spot suna who just got up. He came over and sat down next to you before laying his head back down on the counter.

"Are you hungry?"

A slight nod came from him which made a small laugh come out before getting up and making him something to eat.

(Yes y/n is girlboss and knows how to do everything she is Barbie's arch nemesis)

While making suna some food you also started making some more tea as you drank the first batch.

You came back with an steaming omelette and hot tea. Suna seemed to be in a conversation, which made you hesitant to go over. You really didn't want to seem clingy and wanted him to have fun as well.

You were pretty hesitant until suna waved you over. It came as a relief knowing that you wouldn't be bothering him.

"Semi, this is y/n the person you've been wanting to meet this entire time"


"..hello :)"

Semi found the seat next to you very comfortable and started talking your ear off. You didn't mind though it made you happy that he wanted to see you so badly.

After everyone was ready for the day, it was finally time to figure out what to do for the rest of the day.

"Oh! There's this amusement park close by! I was planning on going to a very nice beach but it seems to be a bit too cold for that today. So the amusement park is also fun!"

"Alright then. If Alyssa says the amusement park is fun then let's go! But first we should split into groups of 4 cause it's be pretty bad if one of us got lost"

"Chop chop hurry and find your group"

You were grouped with suna obv, semi, and liz (some random girls name I came up with so there are some girls on this trip too😭)

The sun was starting to set, which meant the day was coming to an end.

The four of you hit a few more rides before the it was time to meet up with the others.

Of course you were exhausted but a part of you didn't want this day to come to an end. A day full of laughs and jokes made all your worries disappear and let you focus on the present.

You didn't want to leave but the park was closing which kind of forced you to leave. Knowing everyone there, you doubted that anyone would actually go straight to bed even if it was 12am. They would just stay up and play games while joking around.


You were trying your best to stay awake with everyone, but after all the rides you went on, you were beat. Keeping your eyes open was getting harder and harder as the minutes passed.

Of course no one would say anything if y oh wanted the retire first for the night, as some already did but you really wanted to stay up with them and share laughs but the night was getting to you.

Soon your eyes were fluttering open and shut. You would open your eyes and seconds later they would be closed. This went on for awhile until you felt yourself start leaning into someone. Once your head hit their shoulder, sleep got the best of you and knocked you out for the rest of the night.

3rd person pov

Suna had just won a match in the video game he was playing with the others. He returned the remote to semi and turned to see y/ns head had fallen onto his shoulder.

Anyone looking at him could see the smile creeping onto his face. As much as he hoped no one saw, Alyssa of course had seen this and smiled to herself.

"Guys ima head to bed"

"Alright night Rin"

With that, suna swiftly picked y/n up and started moving her from the couch to the bed where it was much more comfortable and quiet.

Settling into bed, he took a quick look and y/n who was in a deep sleep, and smiled to himself before getting comfortable in the bed.

Word count: 1018

Authors note: guys I'm actually writing chapters in advance😱 but then again it's almost twelve and I gotta wake up at 5 tmmr☹️

Guys the ending is coming quick and the ending is just perfect😈 get ready to see this ff come to an end

Remember to drink water and sleep. Which I will do rn😘

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