chapter 7

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You woke up in the middle of the night due to a dry throat.

You reached for the water bottle you always keep on your nightstand just in case, how old was this water? Who knows it's just been sitting there for probably months. Did you care? No. All that mattered to you now was quenching your dry throat.

After 5 minutes of trying to go back to sleep you just couldn't. So you opened tiktok but it was down like always, so you moved onto Instagram. It wasn't long before you received a notification

One new message from my pretty boy 💥

suna: yo y u up

you: why r u up📸📸

suna: I asked first

you: idc answer the damn question

suna: couldn't sleep

you: same well ig I couldn't fall back asleep

suna: hmmmm

you: hmmmm

Incoming call from "my pretty boy💥"
Accept - Decline

"Yo it is 3 in the fucking morning"

"Yea what about it"

It surprised you to his raspy his voice was. Usually it was raspy but not this raspy but you could get used to it.


"Lemme see you're face"

"How about no"




"I look like shit right now and I just woke up"

"I don't care"

"Fine gimmie a sec"

You shuffled around your room trying to find the remote that controls your lights. After about 3 minutes of searching you finally found it and turned the lights on. Boy was it bright, just having lights on in the room made you squint your eyes just so you could see.

You went over to the bed and picked your phone up and headed over to your desk and propped it up on some books so he could see your face



"I had to search my entire room for the light remote you should be grateful"

"Yeah I could hear things being thrown around"

"Shush my floor is just really messy right now"
"Since I'm already up I'll just do my homework"

"At 3am? Good luck"

"Yeah I'll probably need it"

After about a hour in, you looked up and saw suna playing a game on his computer

"What game are you playing?"

Hot Mess💫- Suna Rintaro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now