Chapter 22🤚

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"Y/nnnnn wake up wake up wake up I don't wanna go downstairs aloneeeee"

"Bruh what time is it"

"Uh 1"

"Ain't no way it's that late"

"Yes it's that late now get your ass up"

"Fine fine"

You rolled out of bed quite literally.

Almost hitting your head on the vanity leg, you popped straight up and left the room with Alyssa.

It surprised you that everyone was still here .

"Well good morning sleepy"

"Shut it Timmy, you literally woke up 20 minutes before us"

You left the living room to grab a glass of water. Suna also happened to be in the kitchen at the same time. Not wanting to talk you walked straight passed him and grabbed a glass before heading to fill it up.

You got your water and left.

"Wait y'all we still planning on going to the beach house right?"

"Uh yeah why?"

"We can literally ask semi and the others if they wanna come. Ya know like love up the meet up date a wee bit"

"True true alright I'm down"

"Wait so what?"

You practically jumped hearing Sunas voice from behind you. A small laugh came from suna after seeing you jump

He went to sit down on the couch and listen to the others explaining the new plan for next weekend.

"Wait guys when's the break"

"Uh I think one more week so the week after next week"

You nodded while sipping on your water and listening to everyone argue about who to invite and the plans

You had no interest in putting your opinion and decided life would be easier if your friends did all the planning and you just followed

As much as you wanted to not put your input, someone just had to ask you for your opinion

"Y/n what you think? What should we do"

"Dude I'm being completely honest right now but I was not listening to a single word you said"

"Alright then you get no opinion"

What you said wasn't entirely a lie, you were watching some random cartoon dog show on the tv

You glanced over at suna, you haven't talked to him since yesterday which you did feel bad about cause you were being pushy and felt that you didn't need to get angry with him. You weren't thinking and just go angry without thinking that some people need space.

He looked a bit sick and really tired. Seeing him like that made you feel even worse, getting mad at someone who was possibly sick last night.

"Guys I'm bored, can we do something"

"Like what"

"I dunno just do something I'm hella bored"

"There's a amusement park somewhere around here I think"

"NICE. Guys I've decided we're going there. Now chop chop we're losing light"

You waddled up to your room and decided to pick out a outfit for the day. Alyssa came back and showed off her outfit.

Hot Mess💫- Suna Rintaro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now