Chapter 19

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"Rinnn wake upppp"
"Suna wuna"
"Suna tuna wuna"
"Anus get up"
"Get up get up get up"

You constantly hit his head with your fist in order to get him up and into the house

"Ouch stop it y/n"

"Oh your up nice. Now let's go"

You unbuckled and started making your way toward the door with suna trailing behind you. Your aunt was the one who opened the door and let you in.

If you were being honest you honestly didn't like your aunt well this one. She was the type to think her way was the only way to do things and plus she was weird. If she still went to school she would be the pick me type of girl.

You sat down after saying your hellos to everyone except your grandma, she was out somewhere doing something and would be back soon. Suna followed you around and ended up sitting next to you.

Your cousins came down the stairs and came over to the couch and sat down before pulling out their phones

Your cousin didn't like you and it was obvious. She always said you were lucky and hated you for the fact your parents were more successful. When you guys were closer you told her about something that was going on and all she said in response was "oh nice it's nice to see you have problems too you were to perfect anyways" after that you just stopped talking to her. Which meant family gatherings were awkward.

Suna showed you a picture on his phone which made you giggle a little. It was atsumu falling down the stairs with Osamu behind him on the floor laughing

"Wait is he ok?"

"Yeah he'll be fine"

"Wait so you're coming to Alyssa beach house this weekend?"

"Yeah, why were you not listening this morning?"

"I was kinda, wait then if you're going you can give me a ride"

"Why should I?"

"Fine be like that. I'll just ask atsumu"

You pulled out your phone and pressed atsumus profile and started texting him

"Ugh fine"

"Yay you're so nice Rin"

"Yeah I know"

In the middle of you and sunas conversation the door opened and your grandma stepped through. She had groceries in her hand, you decided to help so you stood up and went over to her and started to grab some of the bags from her hand and bring it to the kitchen.

"Oh! Hello dear, how are you?"

"I'm doing good grammy how are you?"

"I'm doing just fine dear. Whose that boy over there?" She pointed towards suna on the couch who was talking to your cousins

"Oh! That's Rin! He's a very nice boy"

"Oh that's lovely!"

"Does he go to your school?"

"No he goes to inarizaki"

3rd person pov~

Suna saw y/n get off the couch, he decided on getting up to follow her until willow (cousin) stopped him by saying something

"Why are you with her, she's literally bad news"

"I'm sorry? But who asked"

"I'm just saying, she literally is dramatic and annoying"

Hot Mess💫- Suna Rintaro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now