chapter 8🛐 (a little 3rd person pov and y/n pov)

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Suna felt that y/n wasn't paying enough attention to him, so he kept on poking her in the side hoping to get some attention, but sadly nothing worked. She was so into the show that nothing bothered her at the moment.

Occasionally y/n would yell at the TV characters since they didn't do something smart or they did something super embarrassing and she got second hand embarrassment, which happened a lot more than she anticipated.


"Shhhh not now my favorite ship might sail so shush suna"


Suna was pouting left and right since he was getting zero attention out of y/n unlike when on calls and he usually gets 90% of your attention. Needless to say he was acting like a big baby who didn't get their milk bottle

Y/n pov

You were watching the TV show suna put on and it had all your attention, you didn't care for the plot you just wanted to see the side ship get together. Since they were literally so cute together but they were taking forever to get together but you didn't want to miss a single thing so you kept your eyes glued to the TV.

You felt bad that you weren't paying any attention to suna but this show was probably more important to you at the time.

You were paying zero attention to suna so you didn't even notice him get off the bed and leave the room you heard footsteps but didn't bother looking for who they were, gosh if someone wanted to murdered you this would be the best time to do so.

You heard your phone notification go off so you picked it up just to glance at who texted you, it was just the school sending out the schedule for the next few weeks. So you turned the phone over and watched the TV again.

30 minutes after you checked your phone suna came back in and sat back down next to you. You kept your eyes on the TV but slightly glanced over to see what he was doing and it wasn't anything interesting so you turned back.

You jumped when you felt something in your lap. You looked down and saw suna laying his head in your lap on his phone. He looked peaceful so you decided not to disturb him.

You ruffled his hair a bit before turning back toward the TV. Throughout the entire show you kept ruffling and playing with his hair. Soon you got bored of the show since they were just dragging it out and nothing interesting was happening to you grabbed your phone and took a picture of suna on your lap.

"So now after 2 hours you decide to give me attention"

"Sorry love but the show was interesting"

"Fine I'll forgive you if you give me attention now"

"Okok I will. What do you wanna do?"

"Dunno let's go to the park or raid target or something "

"Sure I'm down"

Suna told you to head down first since he had to do something. You nodded and headed down stairs and talked with his mom in the living room.

While waiting she showed you baby pictures of suna. One that you especially found funny was when he ran around the house in only socks with soap suds all over his head. She was explaining certain photos to you like you were her daughter in-law or something. You were getting a good laugh at sunas baby pictures until he came down and dragged you off the couch.

"Seriously mom"

"Sorry hunny you left y/n here with me, what did you expect"

Hearing this interaction made you giggle

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