Chapter 20 👻

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"Wait haha its time for dinner no? We should eat before the food gets cold"

"That's correct! Ok everyone to the table!"

You found yourself a seat at the table, listening the all of Sunas aunts and uncles argue. Suna pulled out the chair next to you before sitting down.

You weren't eating much since you were still pretty full from this afternoon, you were eating bits and pieces not wanting to look like you dislike the food

"Hey do you not like the food? You haven't eaten much"

"Ah no I'm just not hungry"

"Oh ok, here give me your plate"

Even though he told you to give it to him, he ended up just picking your plate up and moving some of the food over to his plate and left you a small portion just in case.

He gave you back your plate and began eating his food again while engaging in some small talk with his uncles. You sat there quietly watching suna talk to his family, for some reason you couldn't talk normally around his family. Something inside you tensed up when they start to talk to you.

3rd person pov~

Y/n finished the small portion suna left her, she went to put her plate up then came back and sat down after she placed it in the sink

"What school do you go to dear?" His aunt started to start a small conversation with her seeing how tensed she was

"Oh uh I go to fukurodani"

"How did you and Rin meet? Isn't inarizaki and fukurodani far from each other?"

"Yes they are but we met through some mutual friends and became close a few weeks after meeting"

"Oh that's lovely! You seem to already have the approval of his mother"

"Well I would hope so"

Y/n kept conversing with his aunt and soon she got more comfortable talking with her. Soon his aunt was making jokes and they were laughing together like they were old friends.

Occasionally suna would take small glances over to see how y/n was doing and when he saw she was doing fine, it brought a small smile to his face knowing that she got along with his family

"Look at this boy, see this is the face of someone in love"

"It was like yesterday Rin was only 2, he's growing so fast"

"You guys are literally being so dramatic"

"Dramatic or not doesn't change the fact it's obvious you like her"

"What do you mean it's obvious"

"Haha ya hear him! Boy you're literally holding her hand under the table, you ain't slick"

"Yeah yeah whatever"

Sunas head turned rather quickly when he felt y/n remove her hand from his. She mouthed that she was going to the bathroom before leaving the dining room.

"See what'd I tell ya! He's in love!"

"She's a nice girl, she's earned my approval"

"Anyone who make our Rin act like this has my approval! Haha!"

After hearing this suna couldn't help but slightly smile.

By the time y/n came back from the bathroom the entire table was cleaned. She couldn't help but feel bad since she didn't help clean and she didn't even eat much.

Hot Mess💫- Suna Rintaro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now