chapter 16🫀

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It was 5am on a dark and stormy night, you left to water your dishes but accidentally tumbled onto the street and got ran over. You were rushed to the hospital but unfortunately suna unplugged your life support and you didn't make it😨😨 jkjk

It was 4am and you were making your way to the school. Why? Because it was tournament week and it was a pretty far drive. You loved playing sports but hated that you had to wake up early for them. You certainly were not an early bird.

When you finally arrived you saw that most of the 3rd and 2nd years already were there. Everyone was just waiting for some 1st years to arrive.


you made your way over to the door hoping to get a window seat or somewhere in the back. Both would be lovely but that's too much to ask isnt it?

You placed your bag down and saw Alyssa sit down next to you and start placing her things on her chair

"Thought you were sitting with Timothy?"

"Was but he was being a bitch"





Timothy turned around in his seat and sat down after getting yelled at and Alyssa put her things on the floor before getting sitting down.

You opened your bag to grab a few things for the drive. Not a lot since you didn't want your seat to be filled with unnecessary items. You plugged your earbuds in before going to sleep.

You woke up to some 1st years yelling at each other arguing for who gets to play with who, jokes on them the coach makes the pairings and you can't choose.

You glanced over at Alyssa and she was texting her lovely boyfriend who is supposed to be practicing not texting. What a bad influence Alyssa has been on him, but red flag if he didn't respond

Timothy turned his bus seat around to face both of you, but instead of saying anything he sat there and just stared at you in the eyes, you being you wanted to win this staring contest so you didn't look away

(You know how some buses or trains have those seats you can turn? Yeah that's the type of seat they have)

You saw him look away and grab his phone which meant you had won. He was typing something and soon he picked up a phone call and put it on speaker.

"Yo Timothy aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"Yeah but it's tournament week" he did the pose where he smiled and did the thumbs up like 😁👍

"Why are you always calling Atsumu"

"Cause he always picks up"

"Understandable have a nice day" you went back to your phone. What was so interesting about your phone? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So why were you always on your phone? Cause you had absolutely nothing to do.

"Hi y/n"

"Atsumu I'm going to cut suna's hand off please tell him that"

You looked at Alyssa wondering what made her say that but decided she had a reason for it

"Um ok..? But why?"

"He held y/ns hand in my dream"

"Understandable I got you"

Hot Mess💫- Suna Rintaro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now