chapter 15

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You woke up and saw that Alyssa was not in the bed anymore, you came to the conclusion she went downstairs. Not really wanting to get up you decided to get up anyways cause you're so very nice💅

You walked to the top of stairs and saw that suna had woken up at the same time as you

"Morning" his morning voice took you by surprise, sure youve heard it before but each time it scares you that a voice can get that deep

"Morning" you walked down first while suna walked behind you

When you got to the bottom everyone was down except for bokuto

"Where's bokuto?"

"He left cause he was meeting with akaashi or something today"


You sat down on the couch and leaned into Alyssa's shoulder, you were listening to their conversation of what was for breakfast. Surprisingly everyone woke up in time to get breakfast.

Everyone agreed on a spot and got up to get ready

You walked up to your room and saw that Alyssa was on the bed laying down, you went to your closet and picked some clothes she left at your house and tossed it at her before picking your own clothes out.

"Thanks bae"

She left to change and you finally picked out some clothes, assuming all the bathrooms were occupied you just shut your door and locked it. You unlocked it after changing and opened it before sitting down to put some makeup on.

"Y/n I look so hot today"

"Mhm how did you come to that conclusion?"

"I looked in the mirror and fell in love with myself"

"As you should"

You finished your makeup and moved so Alyssa could put some on too, neither of you were the type to put on heavy makeup usually it was very light.

You walked over to your mirror and stood Infront checking your outfit

Once Alyssa was done you both headed downstairs, everyone was down already and ready to head out. You both tossed your shoes on and followed the others out the door.

"Omg Alyssa you know I got a bruise for jumping out the window"

"Well I would've thought so, if you didn't I'd be surprised"

"You jumped out of a window? What are you a bird?"

"Yeah I jumped out yesterday"

"Ok but why were you jumping out"

"Cause Alyssa's 5 year old cousin wants to marry me and it's scary"

"Just marry him"

"Um no I would rather not"

You arrived at the restaurant and found a table to sit at and waited for a waitress/waiter to come take your orders

You all placed your orders and started talking about everything under the sun. About 10 minutes after placing your order someone familiar walked through the door. You strained your eyes to get a good look at them and realized who it was.

"Rin is that remi?"

He slightly turned around and looked towards where you were looking

"Yeah I think so"

"Whose remi?"

"Some girl that goes to inarizaki, kinda obsessed with suna"

"Rin gets bitches??? Not clickbait"

Hot Mess💫- Suna Rintaro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now