chapter 12👊

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You woke up to the yelling between two guys, you got up and walked over to where the voices were coming from.

Bokuto and Atsumu were arguing over what to have for lunch.

You noticed that others started to wake up due to the loud voices at 10am

"Why do you guys need to yell this early in the morning"

"Oh! Y/n good morning we just wanted different things for lunch"

"It's not even 12 why are you guys arguing for lunch"

"Well suna everyone isn't awake yet but they'll be awake by 12 and 12 is lunch time duh"

"He gotchu there"

Bokuto and Atsumu couldn't agree on what they wanted so you just left the area to go up to your room and get ready for the day.

You changed and got out your makeup to apply a light coat of makeup for the day. In the middle of you applying on your makeup suna walked in and just stood at the doorframe

 In the middle of you applying on your makeup suna walked in and just stood at the doorframe

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" gonna come in or??"

"Right yeah I forgot what I came in here for"

"That's lovely. Did they agree on something yet?"

"Uh I think Timothy wants something light so we can do something after"

"Oh then we could go to this cafe it has good lunch"

"I'll go tell them"

You nodded your head before putting the finishing touches on your eyeliner. You grabbed somethings and headed downstairs. You were met with a bunch of guys on the couch all dressed and ready to go.

"Took you long enough"

"You look like a bum shut it"

"She got you there"

"Why you always on her side"

"I side with the right people" he shrugged before heading off to put his shoes on.

Soon everyone followed suit and went to put their shoes on before heading out of the house.

Everyone headed in the directions towards the cafe. Bokuto in the front which probably wasn't the best idea you've made but akaashi was also up there so you trusted they would get you guys to the cafe.

After a 15 minute walk you arrived at the cafe. Walking in there was a strong scent of coffee, it smelt good but it started stinging your nose since it was on the stronger side. Osamu found a table and motitioned for everyone to come over.

Once everyone was settled a waitress came over and started taking orders.

Everyone was talking about everything under the sun, you couldn't keep up woth the conversation since it was basically changing every minute.

Hot Mess💫- Suna Rintaro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now