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toastbur requested a deity! Mag! Reader x hank fluff!

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toastbur requested a deity! Mag! Reader x hank fluff!

Reader makes a new friend!

You were made for one thing, and that is to be powerful and strong, you are a mag and deity, the first one to be exact, you had your own base made for you underground, which lead to you being lonely, sure the few grunts who deliver your food come but don't stay long enough to be friends with, it honestly was just tiring.

You mainly used your super strength for AAHW, your other powers were rare to use, mainly because half the world would break so- yeah that.

As you sat in your underground base, reading a book made for you, as in made the used the magnifier to make things bigger for you. As you read your book, you heard gunshots and screaming from above, normal for you, it was probably another attack from the rebellion, they didn't know about your existence because you stayed in your personal base underground, the door to it being small but extends on control with a button above your base.

"Tis but another day of chaos, and recklessness." You mumbled as tiny bits of the roof fell on your head. You brushed them off and continued to read for 25 minutes before hearing cheering while the latch door opened.

"Come on guys! There's gotta be something down here!" A voice said, sounding awfully happy and chirpy, a few mumbles were received the voice. Then someone fell down the stairs, you quickly caught them, them looking up and seeing you, their jaw dropped and didn't say anything. Soon two more people came in, one of them asking what happened and then stopping in place with a dropped jaw staring at you. The other one, who seemed to wear all black just stared at you, his goggles making a eye widen expression, while also stopping in his place.

"Uhhhh greetings...?" You said after 15 seconds of awkward silence. "You're big." The one with the goggles said. The one next to him nudged him. "Don't say that hank! That's rude." He whispered to hank, he just shrugged and began to walk to you. While the one in your hand was staring in awe. He didn't stop but he didn't make look creepy.

"I'm sorry about him, we don't mean to barge in but my friend in your hand suggested we check down here, I'm Sanford." He said while putting out his hand for a hand shake, you shook his hand with two fingers because you're literally huge (no offense to anyone) "greetings Sanford, call me y/n, and the one in my hand is named-?" "Deimos." Sanford said before he was picked by you and placed next to Deimos, which smacked out of his daze at you. "Ow man! What was that for?!" Deimos said, rubbing the back of his head.

"You were staring for longer than you should." Sanford said. You quietly giggled at the interaction, it was nice being around people. You soon felt a presence on your head, that being hank. "Oh! I see you made yourself comfortable." You chuckled at him. "Yea." He replied, before he adjusted himself on your head.

For about an hour the 4 of you talked about stuff and played mini games before they had to leave. "Sorry we couldn't stay longer y/n, hopefully we meet soon!" Sanford said, Deimos following up with him up the stairs, as they walked up the stairs, hank before he left he hugged your thumb. "Friend." He said looking up at you.

You giggled. "Friend indeed hank. Friend indeed." You replied before patting him on the head, he soon left. Something in you glowed like sun, a hope maybe? But you do know the rays of hope of the madness being lifted on the Nevada increased. The ground shook a little, but small plants started to grow out, grass and flowers, the thoughts of your friend and his friends made your soul warm up with happiness.

You were happy, after a long time.

Chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed this, I have a special chapter for y'all :> and it's about a certain animation/mod, until then cya in the next chapter!
-Ari Author

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