Babies, again pt2

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Balls, y'all wanted a part two and y'all are getting a part two

This involves kidnapping, attempted sex trafficking, swearing and hank being out of character near the end

Also I am not romanticizing any of theses things, I just feel like they would be extremely common if Nevada had children and women.

And I'm sorry if anyone is a victim of trafficking I'm sorry if this offends you or anyone else in any way.

Hank awoke from his nap, walking to the bathroom to freshen up for the day, washed up, brushed his teeth, did his daily stretches, getting dressed.

Then remembering the conversation with his, technically baby mama. "Shit." He continued to think about the situation, did he want to be in his kids life, heck even the girl he knocked up?! So many questions but very little answers. But he kept it to himself, walking in the kitchen seeing a note on the table.
'Out for supplies, key under note, lock door if leaving. -D,Dei&San.' Hank then grabbed the key, some of essentials and left the base.


You were in bed, barely any sleep. You got up slowly, almost slipping and falling back on the bed again. "God fucking damn it- ow." You sat up slowly, before making your way to the bathroom and get ready for the day.

Once out of the house you made your way to the park, sitting on a bench and watched the red and dry view of a central park of Nevada. "Please, let this madness end." You whispered to yourself, before feeling a heavy presence before you.

You looked to see who it was but

Hank was out on a mission, more Intel on the auditor was needed, within all the killing and murder felt something has happened, but he wasn't entirely sure what is was.

Once done with last one hank made his way towards some file cabinets, looking for anything of the auditor, pins, cereal numbers, texts anything to get progress but unfortunately there wasn't anything nor anything that held value to the mission.

Hank then made his way out of the building and on to the next, while on the way he spotted a van driving at rapid speed, hank questioned if that had to do with anything with the mission. So he began to follow it, hoping for anything.

While passed out in the van a bunch of grunts were talking. "So anyways thats how I found about this chick, she was in a lego competition to win a bunch of supplies and spilt it with a dude, forgot his appearance though." One grunt said, the other guy just shrugged and decided take a nap, put their back against the wall of the van and snoozing off.

The driver was wondering how in the world was there a female grunt in Nevada. It's extremely rare for a female grunt to exist at all in Nevada, let alone pregnant too.

So the ransom money is High, so once to their destination they cared the lady to this shady, old, and broken down shack, once in side the placed her on the ground covered with a tarp. A bump could be seen on the back of poor women's head, it was slightly pulsing as she laid on the ground.

The three grunts discussed where to sell her, either through sex trafficking, the black market or mafia. They decided to go with sex trafficking since it they would pay a lot more since she's pregnant.

Then BOOM the door breaks open to a man who wore black and red googles and sword and gun in hands, he entered the building slowly, aiming his gun at grunts, they held their hands up in the air in defense and fear as the murderest Hank J Wimbleton walk pasted them and towards the lady on the floor.

'What is he-?' A grunt thought as the wanted man picked up the lady with one arm, before shooting the grunts and leaving the building. Hank texted Deimos and Sanford to pick him up "👍" was sent. It was gonna be a while so, hank untied the poor thing before setting her on the floor with coat on her like blanket, it was getting colder, and no one wants to get sick. So hank waited for them come along while tinkering of the fact of being in his kids life.

Once Deimos and Sanford arrived at the scene they were extremely surprised with Hank and a lady laidback on the ground with his jacket over her. "Holy shit hank you got a girl?!" Deimos exclaimed in shock, bewildered even. "Hank, you got a girl pregnant?!" Sanford said, his sunglasses reflecting his shock from seeing hank carry this lady in his arms.

Once back at the base Hank walked into Docs office. "What do you want Wimblet-"

Your head felt sore, you tired to open up your eyes but was flashed by a headlight. You then realized you weren't in the park anymore, instead it felt like a cold and dim light room, smelling like old medicine and dried blood along with other things. You groaned slightly as you tried to sit up but was quick pushed down, not harshly but quickly by a gloved hand, he revealed his masked face. "Don't move, your body is weak." He said as he examined your body for any bruises or injuries on your body.

After a few exams the doctor called in the man in black, he walked off with some files in hand. Hank sat next to you, silent for a moment before clearing his throat and speaking. "You're probably wondering why I saved you and.." you listened patiently. "It's because I saw the van you were in and assumed it had info about the auditor, and uh I've been thinking it over and...I wanna be in the kids life-.. if thats okay with you."

And you thought it over, the pros and cons. You wanted the father to be in the kids life, but didn't want to put them in danger either. So a thought came into your head. "Okay heres the deal, you can be in the kids life BUT, no one else besides the people here and you should know about them. Do you understand what I mean?" You said, Hank nodded in agreement, you then felt a kick and hank took notice too.

Hank then gestured if he could feel it. You nodded in agreement and he put his hand and head against it, getting a kick in the face.

This kid is gonna be something.

Lmao this took forever

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