Double trouble

545 11 26

Requested by Yuki_Yakisoba

Sanford, Deimos & Y/n smut

Warnings: smut (obviously lol) sandwiched sex, stuck in closet and more
This a long one lol

It was a simple stealth mission they said. It was going to be simple they said. Well getting setting a fire alarm wasn't in the plan, and now you're being chased by a building worth of agents, you felt yourself loosing your breath but you couldn't stop or else you'd be dead.

As you ran through the building the swarm of agents was growing, it terrified you. The thought of being ran over and killed by this was a nightmare you over thought iand shocked to the core when it came true. Thoughts rapidly took over your mind, your feet taking over the chase. Your mind was racing rapidly throbbing of ideas to get out of this predicament. 'Come on brain. THINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINK THI NK O F SOMETHIN-'

Your thoughts and body were interrupted by a hoisted motion, something hooked on you. You felt yourself taking a extreme exhale and sharp breaths, a you heard a ringing and a muffled voice, you felt your face being held by two gruff and big hands and two more smaller hands on your shoulders.

"Y/n chill its us!" A voice said, you looked up and it was Sanford, behind you was deimos, your breathing soon became more calmer, legs slightly trembling from running, cold sweat going down your forehead, you felt like falling but you were quickly by deimos. Your state of mind felt like white noise. "Geez all that running must've taken a lot outta them, oh okay they fell asleep."

He said, he soon gently put you on the floor, using his backpack as pillow. Sanford and Deimos then discussed on the next plan to escape, there was an extremely narrow window so that was a no go. The agents were still on high alert, and by the light from the window it was about to be dawn to think fast.

"Deimos any signal?" Sanford said as deimos checked his phone, "no go looks like they have restricted, but I can use this!" Deimos says as he pulls out a beeper. "You keep a beeper on you?" "Yeah dude! You never know when you'll need on of theses." Deimos said, as he did his thing and sent the message off.

Once that was done, you awoken from your slumber. *yawn* "hey guys.." you said, your groggy state still in but warring off soon. "Oh hey y/n, how'd you sleep?" Sanford asked, patting your back. "Mmm it was alright, my dream didn't help though ugh." "What was the dream about?" Deimos said, his curiosity getting the best of him. "Oh it's nothing special I swear!" You exclaimed, face flushed and becoming a light red. "Oh come on if it's nothing special why so hesitate huh? Got anything to say on that y/n?" Deimos said, basically proving his point.

You stuttered before crossing your arms and facing the other way, deimos laughed at your reaction, an hour passes and nothing, "man this is gonna take forever." Deimos said, upset that he can't smoke because sanford took his cigarettes, as many times as deimos begged Sanford declined, it then turned into a physical 'fight' which was just deimos trying to reach the cigarettes but Sanford's tallness was no match for him, but the thing was, you in the middle. And your brain was going wild.

"Yo wait y/n-" deimos suddenly realized, and moved backwards and you were in arched position, face flushed and ass out. "Yo y/n you good bro." Deimos says as he pokes your back. "EVERYTHING ISFI-" you were cut off by deimos who heard foot steps passing by. You felt embarrassed and disappointed in yourself. Sanford then saw the signs, you were extremely horny.

And he as well, oddly enough.

You began to apologize extremely quickly and fast. Sanford and Deimos calmed you down as best as possible. Then you felt two things against your lower regions, you looked over and saw their boners, you froze up in embarrassment, covering up your red face and laying against the wall.

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