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the one where jace is afraid of needles so keandrian helps him take his testosterone shot

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the one where jace is afraid of needles so keandrian helps him take his testosterone shot.


— june 23 2021, 7:05 pm
jace's house —

THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL that you could get jace to give himself a shot. well, you could, and he has, several times over the past two years, which is the amount of time that he's been on hormone replacement therapy. it was just that he fucking hated doing it, and ended up skipping his weekly shot a lot of the time and throwing off his hormonal balance, which ended up with a whole new set of problems for him.

why, you ask? because he had a paralyzing fear of needles.

yes, the same jace that claimed to be this oh so tough gang member who'd shoot on sight if you so much as breathed near him in a manner he didn't like, was afraid of needles.

it all started when he was a small child, and he never really got over his fear, not even after two years of having to self-administer shots to himself. it still lingered throughout his being.

it was so bad, that sometimes he'd even pass out from looking at needles.

he decided that he needed a way to get past his whole thing about injecting himself, and that's when his boyfriend, keandrian, came into the picture.

it wasn't going to help with his fear, but it'd help a lot with getting it done, so that he'd stay on track with his hormone schedule and that his balance wouldn't be thrown off, and so that he wouldn't start getting his period again. if you thought jace was full of rage normally, imagine how he was during a week of intense cramps and raging PMS... needless to say, jace on his period wasn't a person who anyone wanted to deal with.

so he asked keandrian if he'd start giving him his weekly shot of testosterone, and keandrian, of course, said yes. it was a perfect solution to jace's problem. for one, keandrian was one of the only people who knew that he was trans anyway, and he wouldn't be comfortable asking anyone else who did know to do something so intimate and personal.

for two, it wasn't like keandrian was any stranger to using needles, so he definitely knew what he was doing.

so, when keandrian arrived at jace's house that evening, he was honestly kind of excited to do it. he always thought that it was kind of cool that all jace had to do was take a shot every week to have a deeper voice and grow more facial hair.

"jace! where you at?" keandrian called out to his boyfriend upon entering his home, "i know yo ass ain't hiding nowhere."

keandrian heard no response, or no signifier that jace was even home, but his car was indeed parked in the driveway, so he was, indeed, hiding from keandrian.

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