stummy pains + playboiuzi

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where symere's on his period and jordan takes care of him

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where symere's on his period and jordan takes care of him.


— january 20 2020, 4:40 pm
symere & jordan's house —

SYMERE HAD A PRETTY HIGH TOLERANCE TO PAIN. how the fuck else do you suppose he was able to get multiple face tattoos and piercings without so much as a whine when the time came? it was nothing to him.

there were few things that could make him feel pain so bad that it brought tears to his eyes, and there it was, ripping through his uterus and sending sharp pangs all throughout his abdomen. pain so severe that it affected his quality of life.

when jordan woke up and immediately heard symere wailing and crying from another room, it was like a fire was ignited inside of him and it wasn't going to be put out until symere's pain stopped.

jordan shot out of bed and followed the sounds, realizing that symere was in the bathroom.

he knocked on the bathroom door a couple of times before just pushing it open anyway, and what he found was symere laying against the tiled floor, curled up in a ball and clutching his stomach while tears streamed down his face.

jordan may have been a little slow, but between symere's screams of agony and the open box of tampons it didn't take long to piece together what was going on. symere was having period cramps.

"baby? baby, calm down," jordan unsuccessfully tried to quiet symere down.

"hurts!" symere cried, "hurts so bad, jordy. i feel like my tummy is beating me up from inside."

"can i get you anything?" jordan asked. he didn't really have experience with dealing with this sort of thing. yes, he had a mother and a sister but he still didn't know what to do to make symere feel better.

"just want the pain to stop," symere answered, rubbing an open palm over his stomach.

"first, let's get you off of the floor, yeah?" jordan reached down and picked symere up off of the ground, swaddling the small figure like a baby.

symere was still in excruciating pain, but having jordan comforting him made it better, if only just a little.

jordan carried symere until he reached their bedroom, from there he gently laid the smaller on the bed and kissed his forehead gently.

"just stay right there baby, i'm gonna get you everything you need," jordan cooed.

symere smiled and rolled over on the bed, once again hugging his abdominal area that wouldn't let up.

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