Chapter 8 (The Interruption)

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3rd Pov

A week later

ZPD, Precint 1, Zootopia

Chief Bogo's office

It's been a week since the disappearance of officer Judy Hopps and the future police officer Nick Wilde that was waiting for his upcoming training to become an official police officer.

Chief Bogo sat at his table, while he run his hoof to his forehead then sighs in frustration. The whole station was so desperate to find for any clue that will lead to Judy and Nick disappearances, all of them was so worried to the missing duo.

Even Nick makes friends to the station after the conference, they congratulate the duo after finding the missing mammals, and now they are trying to find them.

After the incident at the museum, they began to search the whole museum, only to find the unconscious sheeps and ram on the floor, and then the train at the lower floor full of toxic flowers which is later indentified as the 'Midnicampum holicithias' including the pictures of the missing mammals and future targets, they brought Bellwether and her hench mammals for questioning, which later found out that they are the suspects and the mastermind was Bellwether with complete of evidences, when the forensic team found out a small fight at the museum and a carrotpen recorder at the table in the train. After they played the recording which to their shocked that this was Judy's voice telling them that Bellwether was planning an attack on predators, that's why the photos and the sudden appearance of Bellwether at the museum.

Chief Bogo lean back at his chair then sigh again in frustration.

"I should call it a day." He thought while standing up from his chair then grabs his coat and keys, then left the room.

Walking down the hallway he noticed the door in the forensics lab, then he makes his way to the room and then peak at the door to see a honey badger typing on the computer.

He knocks the door loudly to get the attention of the badger, the honey badger in question jump from the chair.

"HOW DARE!- Oh... It's you chief my apologies." She apologized nervously.

"You should head home now, it's getting late." Bogo said softly.

"But sir, I was trying to find clue for the disappearance of Hopps." She said worriedly.

"I know what you are feeling, we should get some rest we have a day for tomorrow."

"I- Yes sir." She said while standing up.

"You want a ride to your home, Honey?" Bogo asked.

The honey badger now known as Honey nodded at him.

"Yes sir, If you are okay with it" Honey said.

"Of course, I am okay with it" He said, while Honey grabs her own coat and left the room, while turning off the lights then locking the room.

After both of them bid their farewell to Clawhauser who was watching some gazelle music video at his phone then waved at them in farewell.

Meanwhile at the forensics room which was now dark, a blue light suddenly illuminated the room and it was coming from the monitor of the computer that was earlier being used that was now turned on by itself.

It was glitching in blue and then word appeared at the monitor.

It was glitching in blue and then word appeared at the monitor

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Then black out

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Then black out.

To be continued...


Here is the reference at 0:00 to 2:01

Hello my fellow readers it's been awhile been busy this month, the next chapter was nearly complete so please bear with me!

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