Chapter 13 (Compromised)

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While looking around using their mounted flashlights, they could assume the room they were in are some kind of alien yet futuristic.

Capsules in rows, while the glass was glowing in dark blue.

Ramirez tried to use his radio, but it was useless.

"Tch. I have signal earlier, maybe the walls that keep us from the outside world."

Ramirez thought frustrated, he turned to face his squad then giving them orders.

"Nishko, check the capsules. Sato, warned the others. Kiril, you're with me." He ordered.

The two nodded and move to their assigned orders.

Kiril and Ramirez move to their left with a door that seem to be the control room. Ramirez signal Kiril to use his crowbar which the Russian soldier obligated. After breaking the door, they both entered the room with weapons drawn.

Meanwhile, Nishko check the capsules one by one using his hand to wipe off the dust to the glass separating between him. Only to see... Bones of a human.

"Blyat." He mumbled through his gas mask.

Moving to the nearby capsules he encountered the familiar bones all the way.

Moments later of checking the capsules, he noticed something, one of the capsules was now opened, he cautiously approach the capsule the notice something fresh to the ground. Moving into crouch position while opening his helmet mounted flashlight, he was surprised of what he was seeing.

"Captain Ramirez. You should see this!" He yelled.


Ramirez and Kiril were randomly pressing the buttons on the desk with caution.

Ramirez was alerted when he heard calling his name.

"Kiril, keep working on the controls." He ordered.

"Da." Kiril replied.

Ramirez exited the room then jog his way to Nishko who was in crouch position looking to the ground.

After Nishko heard footsteps behind him, he immediately point his finger to the ground, while Ramirez crouch beside him.

"Blood. Looks fresh." Ramirez mumbled while running his finger to the crimson blood and examines.

"Yes sir. From looks of it, whoever is in that capsule is not far away from here." Nishko said.

Then out of nowhere, lights illuminated the entire room to see, the entire room was very large than their expectations.

Moving further into the rows of capsules, all of sudden they heard multiple footsteps to see several soldiers, these soldiers came to Ramirez and saluted.

"Captain. Sato, warned us about the capsules. Should we call in for pickup?" The Chinese soldier asked him.

Ramirez nodded.

"Yes. Call them in."

Meanwhile outside, the team of scientists and small group of soldiers wearing their started to move into the main facility's entrance, dragging large set of bags.

"Let's go people, LOS LOS!" One of the German soldier yelled, which seem to be a rank of a sergeant.

The mammals that were hidden all the time, started to become confused.

"Looks like they are going to bag all of their 'belongings' from that building." Chloe said to her friends.

"We should get out of here. We can't stick any longer." Paolo pleads.

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