Chapter 7 (Natural Museum 3/3)

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Natural Museum, Zootopia

Minutes of standing. Nick, Judy, Bellwether and her two henchmammals.

The humans on the other hand just standing there menacingly with their rifles aiming at them.

Nick slowly grabs Judy paw, then the unexpected happened, they ran at full speed heading to the unfinished exhibit to the left, the soldiers paid no mind to the duo instead they aimed their rifles at Bellwether and her subordinate then fired. Knocking the sheeps out cold.

One of the humans tried to intercept Judy and Nick but, he was stopped by the squad leader.

"Let the rest of us do their jobs." The squad leader said calmly.

"Yes, sir."

Meanwhile Judy and Nick ran away they hid behind the pillar, while Judy's ears stood up in alert listening for any movements and Nick did the same.

"They are not following us?" Judy asked whispered.

"Yes. Now we will think of something." Nick said, while putting his paw at his chin.

"To escape?" Judy asked.

"Obviously-" Nick said but, they were both cut off by the sounds of ropes, then both of them peak at the corner of the pillar to see 4 more humans roping down, this time they were wearing full black tactical gears a single optic hanged at the top of their black helmets with apparatus covering their entire face and yellow googles, they have now different patch on their shoulders of three colors. White, Blue and Red.

"Naydite ikh! (Find them!)" One of them said in unknown language with authority, then one by one they began to search the duo left and right.

"What shall we do?!" Judy yelled whispered to Nick as he began to think for their plan, then the fox immediately looked behind him to see...

"I got a plan." Nick said to Judy.

Meanwhile the four black clothed humans is still searching for the duo, until one of them noticed a shadow behind the pillar that is the only source of light in the room, he snaps his fingers as his colleagues look at him as he point his fingers at the pillar, all of them noticed that the shadow with pointy ears.

"Krolik. (Bunny.)" One of them mumbled in unknown language, then one of them move cautiously as he switch his rifle to his sidearm, while his subordinates stops behind him with their rifles trained at the shadow ready to open fire if this bunny desides to attack.

Until he immediately peak then shouts.

"Lapy v vozdukhe seychas! (Paws in the air now!)" He ordered, then as he noticed the shadow was not a bunny but a statue resemble to a rabbit with a spear and a sabertooth like pair of teeths, then all of them heard a clinging sound near the exit, then two figures start to run from that direction.

"Von tam! Voz'mi ikh! (Over there! Get them!)" The squad leader ordered his men as they start running after the duo.

Meanwhile the duo running to the exit, hoping that the humans guarding didn't notice them as they ran at full speed as they dodge the barricade, but it was to late they were being tackled to the ground by the humans that has stars and stripes patches on their shoulders.

"Ugh! LET US GO!" Judy begged as she tried to break free from the human graps but it was too strong.

"WHAT WE EVEN DO TO YOU?!" Nick yelled as he tried to break free too from his captor but to no avail.

The two humans grab both Judy and Nick paws behind their backs then they used cable ties to tie their both paws.

"Sedate them." One of the humans ordered, while they bring out a sringe then pressing it to Judy and Nick necks as they both yelp. After that they began to feel dizzy and sleepy at the same time.

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